nomore alps

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hye that right i changed my mind i wont go to alps this year...after playing this game i hawe seen so meny mountans that i doubt wont more ..

but realy why all the batlemaps is so hilly ?? damn why ?? and always there is a river .....where do those come from ?

thre wos situations when i wos startin the battle in the midle of the riwer suraunded by realy hight mountans .....

wil lthis change ??

and game lacks beuty ..some flag cariers some more armor sets some fethers on the helmets things like that ....

and archery is strongly under powered
i do archery and mounted archery in real life and i think i can say that there is a lot of improvement needed

thow i bow in front of this game ..finaly someone dit it... yee finaly i can charge on the horse first game that i know.....
Archery is fine as it is...if it was one hit kills, then you'd be saying the opposite after being shot down over and over by a bowman...after playing this for hours, I must say in fact that archery is very well balanced for this kind of game.

As for beauty...well, blaim the betastage the game is in? I'm sure that tons of details will be added later...I know I can't wait until that time...

First thing I'd not mind seeing fixed is all the bugs...details and such can wait until later...
:smile: I hope that the final version of Mount&Blade will have combat battlefields that more truly reflect the area of the larger world map: grassland type battlefields, desert type, river/creek types, forested, etc.

However, at this point, given the repetitive nature of the battles - constant skirmishes with small parties - I must admit that having the battlefield as it is now at least makes for variety.

Please be wary of making changes to archery to satisfy realism claims. There's so much abstracted about the combat; from the lack of combat morale, effects of wounds on battle performance, no accounting for fatique, etc. In real life, we wouldn't be walking away from a near-death experience (say with two health points left) to be fully recovered in a day at a tavern.

In real life, most of us would-be heroes would be dead or horribly scarred within weeks if not days.

Spare us too much realism.
English might not be his first language, I'd give him a break.

I don't think archery is too bad, but I think I read that doing it from horseback not only reduces accuracy but also damage. Probably more of a balancing factor than anything else.. but anyway, my archer character really kicks butt, at times he does more singlehanded carnage than any of my other characters.

You just can't beef up archery too much because it's pretty hard to defend against, and an army of Swadian crossbowmen is already an extremely painful thing to fight.
You should be able to deflect arrows without a shield. It should give a lot of exp. cause it must be a lucky deflection.
Stromko senks ..english is realy not my language...sore for spelling

damage can stay almost as it is but acurasy....if soldier all hees life does only
that ..hee realy should bee more acurate

i lerned to hit target in 30 cm diameter ( i sead radius in other post my mistake) going in fuul galop in 2 years
and i wos not trainig every day only when i wos free from traning jumping and dresur so its only max 2 days in week
but then it all came clear i dont mis eny more ..well much depends on the horse and terain ..but you yust feel these things

acurasy realy should bee increesed and right side shooting too must be added ..and the power of the shot become the same with yust litle of training and some changes on the sedle

and i still hate those damn montains and hills i think this is the first thing that must bee changed

io am lasy person so this post should explay some things
and right side shooting too must be added

How do you shoot on the right side? If you are on a horse, with a bow, I can see no way to shoot to the right. Without switching hands of course.

And more flat land would be better. Armagan mentioned desert terrain a while ago, so more varied land is coming.
you are bad rider if you cant turn to all sides
but yes right side fiering angel is lot smaler and les power ( depends on bows ) and in the sedle you can turn to right more then when standing
sedle efect as i sead
and turn your bow
bows are not rifles you know you can shoot holding bow horizontaly and verticaly withaut loosing acurasy
and hand swich doesnot work ..atlest not for me

wel trained horse holds hees head wery low itslike bent or something i lack english to explain
I know you can't in the game :lol: I'm trying to figure out why kalejs thinks you should be able to.

If you are holding the bow shaft in your left hand, there is no way you can aim to the right side of your body and be able to pull the string back with your right hand. It is physically impossible. Try it. And if you can do it, take pictures 'cuz I'd really like to see how it's done.
you turn in the sedle and your right leg remains where it should bee to turn the horse to the left so you got some stering left
have you ever rided on horse ?? and its not giving you the same angle
and the bow question you cant use sports bow but short bows are diferent storie thou they hit the arow more that trow it ( sore for eng )

i can ewen stand on the sedle at fuul speed i can ewen walk on its back ((;

and you wil get some pics
I agree about the terrain. I understand that at least for now, we need to settle for a random map generator since having battle maps depend on the world map would take loads of work, but you might at least make hills less common in the generator, same goes for rivers. Atm I think it's ridiculous.

No comment on right-side shooting, I always accepted not being able to shoot to the right as being logical and right, but kalejs does seem to have quite a bit of experience in that area. I think it's weird that you can't use throwing weapons etc. to the right either, though. I don't think that makes much sense.'s humanly impossible to shoot to the right side if you're righthanded...just try for yourself...sit on a chair, spread your legs to the side a bit and then stretch your left hand out and use your right one as if you were pulling on a bowspring...unless you dislocate your right shoulder there is no chance in hell that you'll be able to give a bow enough force to fire an arrow...
Skyrage said:'s humanly impossible to shoot to the right side if you're righthanded.
Not right handed. Right eye dominant. Slight difference. I know a few people who can do that but thats because they are left eye dominant.
Not trying to start any problems but I have two questions ...

First ... @ Cor Shan = What does being right/left eye dominant have to do with shooting a bow in the direction of your dominant hand while mounted on a horse? I think you misunderstood what was being said: Skyrage is saying it is physically impossible to shoot a bow with your right hand pulling the bowstring while your left hand holds the bow ... and aiming it to the right handed side. I have doubts that it is possible also ... just wanted to make sure you understood what he meant. :wink:

Second ... @ kalejs = Can we get the pictures of this? Regardless of whether it is implemented in the game ... I would really enjoy seeing this. I realize that stunts can be done that could allow you to stand or maybe even walk on the horse, but until I see someone sitting on a mount and firing a bow (with any degree of accuracy and force) in the same direction as their dominant hand ... I'll remain highly skeptical. :razz:


Narcissus said:
What does being right/left eye dominant have to do with shooting a bow in the direction of your dominant hand while mounted on a horse? I think you misunderstood what was being said: Skyrage is saying it is physically impossible to shoot a bow with your right hand pulling the bowstring while your left hand holds the bow ... and aiming it to the right handed side. I have doubts that it is possible also ... just wanted to make sure you understood what he meant. :wink:
Left/Right Eye dominance means what side you shoot on, rather than what hand is dominant. It sucks if they are opposite. But yea, I know what he means.

You could flip the bow to the other side... but then it would have to be a 2 handed bow, so you would have to either rotate it vertically 180Degrees... Or you would have to correct it. you can go ~20 degrees to the oppisite side, but you would sacrifice power. or 90 if you took your left foot out of the stirrup and put your left knee on the right side of the horse... Whether you could do that on a moving horse is debateable.
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