Against Noldors I heavily adivse using autocalc - you will definetly reap in better results than if you´d battle it yourself. And the loot is usually better too - though I don´t know why.
The Noldor´s haunt the woods north or Laria over till Cez. They just run around. They fight the Jatu, Snake Cult, Empire and Sarleon and sometimes even Ravensterns lost in the woods. I´ve seen spawns from 25-50+ regular size. Right now I am around day 120 fielding a 66 sized army.
What I usually do with them is help them once to get +4 relation, then join a fight against them, going down to 0. I was even at +8 relation with them but had to help a Ravenstern Lord against the 51 head strong freshly spawned Ranger Patrol and I got some excellent loot off that autocalc battle - with minimalistic losses (lost less in total than I´d have had through the first half round).