Noldor and other spawns

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So.... was one of the "changes" to help the minor factions last longer include making them indifferent to each-other so that they do not fight each-other? such as i just dragged a mistymountain army to the noldor and they refuse to fight.
Xeoneatus said:
So.... was one of the "changes" to help the minor factions last longer include making them indifferent to each-other so that they do not fight each-other? such as i just dragged a mistymountain army to the noldor and they refuse to fight.
No.  No factional relations were made.

hrm, ok.... maybe they just like eachother for some reason, or their forces are too comparable to make one of them want to chase the other, so they are just chilling
Xeoneatus said:
hrm, ok.... maybe they just like eachother for some reason, or their forces are too comparable to make one of them want to chase the other, so they are just chilling

More likely I missed the negative relationship modifier between the two factions.. I have added it to my list for the future.


ok, thank you as always for all your hard work saxon and your calm response to every-ones questions, no-matter how minuscule
Xeoneatus said:
ok, thank you as always for all your hard work saxon and your calm response to every-ones questions, no-matter how minuscule

Your welcome.. and I do unfortunately miss many posts..  :wink:  I thank my lucky stars for the folks who have stepped up to answer most of the questions in the last month.. :smile:


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