No way of healing a horse?

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no , I dont think there is a way to heal them, I try not to invest too much in horses because of the "limp" thingie.
Maybe there could be a "Stable" feature in some towns, where you pay for them to take your horse in for a day, maybe 2, and then when you go back you get a horse as good as new :?:
Well, in fact, healing a limp horse is nigh impossible in RL, due to the specifics of horse anatomy. And definetely not in 2 days :razz:
I think making horse armor matter and giving higher quality horses more hitpoint will fix that, though, since it will make horses much less prone to be brought down and crippled.
Fact is you couldn't ride a limp horse, even now days injured horses, and I'm talking about the injuries we'd see on the horses in game, would most definately be put to sleep. Which is perhaps why limp horses should be done away with all together.

But playing some more this evening, and buying a very expensive horse and having it get injured after just two battles I would like to suggest making our horses a little more sturdy, yes it's already unrealistic, a horse taking more than one blow with a sword is amazing but this is a game after all, I really dont see what limp horses offer to the game... More immersions? No because no one could or would ride an injured horse.
Well, horse standing a couple of sword slashes and arrows is not that unrealistic.. and it's what we have in game.
But higher quality warhorse, charger has 'build-in' armor and should be much less prone to be brought down and crippled. (And they better be, due to their price!)
But right now, it's not the case, as I understand. Fix it!
And I suggest to allow player to armor horses, not just buy a horse with an armor already. It may not be easy, but for a game where your gameplay is almost centered around horses - it's a must.
Expensive horses do have armor. It was just not displayed in their stats.

Also in the new game you'll be able to heal limp horses. (However unrealistic it may be :wink:)
Hmm, can you please display it? Or make it matter more?
I recall shooting a warhorse and a usual horse takes two arrows - no more, no less.
I'll investigate. I guess it may be a bug.
Definitely a bug.
I've switched from my rather powerful khergit bow to a puny hunting bow.
Saddle horse, 3 arrows - check.
Charger (my poor allied knight, he must be really pissed at me), 3 arrows, check.
"Build-in" armor DOES NOT work.
P.S. It also means that they must have equal number of hitpoints to boot.
I suggest giving better horses 'iron flesh' equivalent, making their HP at least 70 or so... I'd say more. After all, horse has higher survival potential then a man... (cause it has a lot of muscles/thick bones) and even men can survive more here.
Hmm... I have an idea. Will post it on suggestion forum.
I just checked it. Horse armor works fine but I guess the stats were too low to make a significant difference.

Increasing hitpoints would make sense too. Let's see...
Well, I guess warhorse should be at least 12 - chain armor and charger about 20 (better 23-25) - full plate, can be extra sturdy cause it's made for a horse :smile:.
This way, they can still be killed by powerful bows/javelins and warrider damage, but much less likely to be killed with usual means. Extra HP will help too, that's for sure... anyway, I'll be finishing my an other idea on horses soon :smile:.
Umm.. I don't know if this is a bug or anything but when I get a 'lame' horse. I can just put it in my inventory for like a day and it's fine. However I thinkif it was spirited or anything else like that before it no longer is afterwards, it's just the normal version of that horse.
Yeah, it seems like they lose any positive modifiers permanently. Makes sense in a way that they would lose the spirited trait, but I find it hard to understand why they would lose the heavy trait.
Yes, there's a problem over there. Actually you can "upgrade" horses in this way too. Get a swaybacked horse, cripple it and let it heal for a few days, and you'll end up with a brand new normal horse :smile:. One solution could be removing the horse healing all together. The other solution is have a lame version of all horse kinds: "lame spirited horse", "lame heavy horse", etc...
I'd suggest removing horse healing. People can certainly afford more than one horse, and it will make them think about what they do with the poor creatures.

I still think limp horses should remain in the game as cheap back-up mounts - or emergency rations.
I think they should remain ingame, regardles of healing. When you see your horse get crippled you might think "aw hell, I should be more careful".

I got my horse crippled once, nice expensive one too, by charging straight into a group of enemies by myself. Sure enough, I'll never do that again.
But what if people like their horse? I'm sure that back in medieval times, the horse was considered much more than a mere animal.
I'm not sure it was considered in an especially affective way - proably more like you'd consider a car today, a commodity, an ego boost, that kind of thing. Which won't prevent some peoples to get affection for their horses, but I don't think it was the most common feeling.
When I'm losing a fight I tend to hop on the enemy horses and jump off cliffs. If I manage to cripple a couple of them I'd like to see them stay crippled the next time we meet.

I've noticed that if your shield gets knocked out of your hand in a fight that it has a chance of being damaged. I don't see why horses get special treatment. I'm pretty sure armor works that way too.

My heraldic shield of 640 turned into a battered shield of about 598. Unless equipment can be repaired, I don't think horses should heal at all.

Just take care of your stuff!
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