No war

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I am having a funny situation in my game at this moment. NO ONE IS AT WAR! Every kingdom is "in war with noone". Its pretty peaceful now...
My last two games in a row, the faction I joined ended up being at peace with everyone!  It never happened before now.  Some kind of horrible peace plague is spreading.
If you're bored and want to fight, pick someone you want to fight and start raiding Caravans. After two or so, they'll hate you enough where you can fight them, even if your faction isn't at war with them. If you want to instigate a real war, try to find the quest from a lord that will start one. You'll just raid caravans again, but you'll actually start a war this  time.
There's also a quest from the lords to start a war. Go around asking lords to give you a quest and you are bound to get that one sooner or later
But to become a masterless warlord, you need a war to capture a castle...
Besides, in Native that's just boring.
Maybe I'm a bit of a touchy-feely kind of ruthless warlord, but does anyone else feel a little weirded out murdering caravan guards that greet you oh-so-nicely? Just my luck that my faction and the rest of Calradia decided it was Rhodok-bashing time and now the party's over. I need some new action, but I'm too much of a wuss to kill polite caravan masters. It's like looking into the eyes of your next meal...  :sad:
kid_a said:
Maybe I'm a bit of a touchy-feely kind of ruthless warlord, but does anyone else feel a little weirded out murdering caravan guards that greet you oh-so-nicely? Just my luck that my faction and the rest of Calradia decided it was Rhodok-bashing time and now the party's over. I need some new action, but I'm too much of a wuss to kill polite caravan masters. It's like looking into the eyes of your next meal...  :sad:
I am with you there, this is also how I feel.
T march up, ready for blood, and then the kindly old caravan master greets me with "Hello, friend!"
And then I glumly respond "Hi." and walk away from the happy band of caravanners.  They have done me no wrongs.
Well, if you're too nice to start a war, at least take the time to increase your power, so you are ready for war when the next one starts. Recruit and train troops, improve your villages, and make money.
Kaibur said:
But to become a masterless warlord, you need a war to capture a castle...
No you don't, you can just attack a caravan or an army to lower your relation with a faction, then you can siege their towns.
Well if you are patient go to all the lords of your faction and ask for a job one of them will want to make war with one nation or another then you get onto war!!! :eek: of course there is the option of just raiding caravans if you are not in a factions :smile:
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