
: 23:28:10 - 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco has joined the game with ID: 55259
(78965): 23:30:38 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] s
(79215): 23:34:22 - 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco <img=ico_spear> Arthun_Marvell
(79222): 23:34:27 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] ups
(79229): 23:34:38 - 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco <img=ico_spear> RACHRO_pl
(79235): 23:34:41 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] uos
(79236): 23:34:43 - 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco <img=ico_spear> hirnlos
(79252): 23:34:56 - Chane <img=ico_bow> 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco
(79257): 23:35:00 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] tk
(79262): 23:35:02 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] kcik him
(79272): 23:35:11 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] XD
(79284): 23:35:19 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] i forgot admin password
(79333): 23:35:57 - 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco <img=ico_spear> Chane
(79344): 23:36:05 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] kk
(79361): 23:36:20 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] why
(79366): 23:36:27 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] she's my girlfiend
(79401): 23:36:57 - 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco <img=ico_spear> LessQQmorePEWPEW
(79412): 23:37:04 - Raelchor <img=ico_bow> 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco
(79414): 23:37:06 - 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco is auto kicked for having -3 score first time.
(79415): 23:37:06 - [SERVER]: 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco is auto kicked for excessive teamkilling.
(79416): 23:37:06 - 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco is kicked.
(79476): 23:37:37 - 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco has joined the game with ID: 55259
(79530): 23:38:13 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] hi I#m back
(79545): 23:38:27 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] no
(79582): 23:39:12 - Thal <img=ico_swordone> 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco
(79614): 23:39:42 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] yes
(79627): 23:39:53 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] hi
(79637): 23:40:00 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] i hate ou all
(79647): 23:40:06 - L_Ordre_des_Templiers <img=ico_spear> 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco
(79659): 23:40:14 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] no
(79667): 23:40:21 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] ral vinzenco

: 23:40:48 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] **** you all
(79754): 23:41:26 - 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco <img=ico_axetwo> Kafein
(79761): 23:41:32 - Borneon <img=ico_bow> 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco
(79767): 23:41:37 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] XD
(79777): 23:41:43 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] i hate you
(79845): 23:42:45 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] if i get admin password i'll kick bann you all
(79875): 23:43:05 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] **** you all
(79897): 23:43:25 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] stupid men
(79911): 23:43:36 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] who?
(79921): 23:43:52 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] noo
(79930): 23:44:02 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] **** you

: 23:44:30 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] get off my server you ****ers

: 23:44:59 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] bad come back ******

: 23:45:15 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] you suck
(80047): 23:45:33 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] yes i will ban you
(80060): 23:45:43 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] no die

: 23:46:01 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] yees you looser
(80094): 23:46:10 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] no ross
(80159): 23:46:26 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] me too
(80162): 23:46:42 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] die ross
(80166): 23:47:00 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] hes a tk
(80169): 23:47:05 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] die
(80174): 23:47:23 - 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco <img=ico_spear> DHG_K_Lor_MLV_Ross
(80175): 23:47:25 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] upsi
(80179): 23:47:33 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] sry ross
(80186): 23:47:41 - Clegan <img=ico_bow> 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco
(80217): 23:47:52 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] you oo
(80247): 23:48:08 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] I will ban you tomorwo
(80277): 23:48:32 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] **** you
(80300): 23:49:02 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] yes it is
(80383): 23:49:44 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] w
(80411): 23:50:06 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] press it its admin password
(80430): 23:50:30 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] press it

: 23:50:49 - <img=ico_headshot> 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco
(80545): 23:52:20 - 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco has joined the game with ID: 55259
(80567): 23:52:43 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] i'm back you ****erss

: 23:53:02 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] press alt x or be banned
(80604): 23:53:14 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] press alt x to get money

: 23:53:49 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] press alt x to get money
(80666): 23:54:19 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] ross
(80674): 23:54:36 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] ross
(80710): 23:55:14 - Zethalion <img=ico_headshot> 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco
(80722): 23:55:23 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] **** you all
(80765): 23:55:45 - 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco <img=ico_spear> Thal
(80770): 23:55:52 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] haha ******** noob
(80781): 23:56:02 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] ******** noobs
(80797): 23:56:17 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] i'm drunk you ****ers

: 23:56:39 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] **** you dhg ross
(80823): 23:56:44 - xXISKENDERXx <img=ico_spear> 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco
(80830): 23:56:49 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] **** you all dhgs
(80850): 23:57:02 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] but i am
(80904): 23:57:20 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] w

: 23:57:49 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] **** you all
(80936): 23:57:59 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] get off my server
(80963): 23:58:25 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] haha noob
(80969): 23:58:29 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] ******** noob
(80993): 23:58:53 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] just noobs in this server?
(80995): 23:58:57 - hannes123144 <img=ico_bow> 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco
(81004): 23:59:04 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] **** it
(14): 00:00:11 - 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco <img=ico_spear> hannes123144
(16): 00:00:13 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] noob
(33): 00:00:27 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] ******** noobs
(43): 00:00:36 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] and then alt x
(52): 00:00:44 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] prss alt x
(67): 00:00:55 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] NOOB

: 00:01:14 - 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco <img=ico_spear> Red_Wolf
(91): 00:01:17 - [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] NOOB
(94): 00:01:21 - Zethalion <img=ico_spear> 22nd_Duke_Vinzenco
(97): 00:01:24 - *DEAD* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] NOOB
(105): 00:01:45 - *SPEC* [22nd_Duke_Vinzenco] ciao ******** noobs