SP Native No More Termite Mounds Mod (flatter terrain)

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Grandmaster Knight
Some people, including me, find the hilly terrain from the vanilla M&B too radical.

So here's the Fix (Thanks to Thorgrim and his fine editor)

Main drawback is: mountains are now passable. Otherwise, I tried to change the original map as little as possible.

Backup Modules/Native/map.txt and replace it with the contents of the zip file.

That sounds interesting.

However, I think it might be more helpful if you clued everyone in to what changes you made and let us know how to apply these changes to other maps/mods.

I say this because I almost never play the "vanilla" M&B anymore now that I have discovered mods. In fact, I don't think I've played the regualr mode in almost three months.
You're right guys, my bad.

Further info:

This works with vanilla, or any mod that does not modify the 'map.txt' file

Basically it gets rid of mountain tiles, which are responsible for messy terrain, replacing them with snow or whatever else.

But there's a quick and easy way to apply it to any mod without using terrain editor (not very foolproof though):

Edit your mod's map.txt file with any text editor with find&replace capability (e.g. wordpad), and repalce every occurence of the string "space, 1, space, 0" with "space, 4 , space, 0" (4 stands for snow if I remember correctly) and voila.
TheMany said:
i hate mountainous battles, when my men stand on a really steep slope and half of them get stuck.

I have the exact same problem. Its not that I want every battle to be a flat plain but when every mountain battle has half my troops stuck in some hole and the other half running headlong into another hole full of bad guys who maul them to death, I'm really not so sure that flat plains aren't a better idea.

Another thing I've noticed thats a pain in the butt, is that forests also tend to have some pretty rough terrain. Forests are sometimes even worse than mountains, IMO. I don't understand why the game seems to think that because there are trees that there also has to be mountains. Why can't a forest be flat?
The fact that most forests are near mountains doesn't help, but I think you are right, they do seem hillyer.

Manitas: Are you sure mountain closeness is the key factor? I smoothed Rohans hills in The Last days, and it made a huge difference.
I actually think that the hillyness of the terrain is effected both by the slope you are standing on as well as by your proximity to mountains....I have tested this a bit in darkmod and I'm quite positive of this.

The replace with snow is a good Idea, I actually plan to do this to a certain extent in my next version of dark mod to fix the complaint of all the mountains.

Hopefully in the future armagan will give us some terrain override features to have more control, but until then I think this is the best solution
Harlequin_ said:
oooooo thogrim can you smootht them for the next version of TLD ?

Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. I think TLD is one of the best mods I've played for this game but one thing that really bothered me was playing as Rohan and having all my riders killed all the time because of bad terrain. I finally switched to using infantry nearly 100% of the time.
Thorgrim said:
Manitas: Are you sure mountain closeness is the key factor? I smoothed Rohans hills in The Last days, and it made a huge difference.
Well, I ain't sure of anything until I can see the code.
But what I learned is:

- Replacing mountain tiles gets rid of the sloppy terrain for good.
- There can be almost perfectly flat battle scene where in the worldmap is a mountain peak, and vice versa, therre happen to be mild hills where the worldmap is perfectly flat, so if heights make any difference, this effect is not distinguishable from the effect of random seeds.

A guess: Maybe worldmap heights moderate the effect of mountain tiles? That would explain your observation.
I can think of a way to verify that. We need to create perfectly flat map with all heights at 0.0 with some mountain tiles in the middle, and see what happens.
Your right, mountains are certainly the key factor. The slope seems to have a slight effect when combined with the mountains, but with no mountains, even the steepest slope has no effect.
As to the fact that you can now walk through mountains, couldn't you import a new map icon into the game, with the same texture as mountains, and that is impassable, but DOESN'T give birth to mountainous terrain? I don't know a whole lot about Thorgrim's editor, but I remember you, Thorgrim, were able to make a bridge on the map, along with a few other things. Might this be possible?
Stonewall382 said:
As to the fact that you can now walk through mountains, couldn't you import a new map icon into the game, with the same texture as mountains, and that is impassable, but DOESN'T give birth to mountainous terrain? I don't know a whole lot about Thorgrim's editor, but I remember you, Thorgrim, were able to make a bridge on the map, along with a few other things. Might this be possible?

Honestly I would rather see the game mechanics fixed so that we have a better system to determine what kind of terrain gives you what kind of battle field. But I guess this isn't the place to bring up that kind of issue.
I just posted an topic in wich i was asking for help with taking away the hills completely, now how did you do it precisely? and i am using alot of mods, but i mainly inted to fix it in Dukes and mercinaries and Napoleon mod id love you if you could help me with this  :roll:
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