No mod menu in camp

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The main thing that's stopping me playing this is that I can't take full advantage of autofire weapons. When I try to configure the button in my camp menu there's no such option; there's no mod config in camp at all.

Is this a known bug? Should I just download again?

Sorry if this Q has already been answered, but couldn't find it using search function.

And just sneaking another Q -  if I download the April release, will it work with the China map?

Great mod btw!

well that's weird?
william set up a option in the camp menu to change keys,
anyways the default key to use automatic fire is your mouse wheel.
press your left mouse button first to raise your gun,then press(not scroll)your mmd to fia!
I rather use the burst option for automatic fia ,it's simple and you can mow down WAY mORE troop than using full auto.
Yea, IMO full auto fire is very ineffective. I only use it to mow down those huge parties of recruits and bandits but when I get to it with the japanese I usually go for either a Mosin Nagant rifle/carbine or a Type 38. Using burst stuff mainly for sieges against massed infantry.
Have downloaded the latest release and it works fine. Do not recommend the china map, though
Well, first off the map is messy and it is waaaay too huge. The camera also doesn't follow you when you get to the edges of the map which is really disturbing.

Personally, I just happen to like Calradia, even though I've grown pretty tired of it, more than the geography of China.
vahadar said:
uio0000 said:
because he hates chinese?
maybe  :lol:

would like some constructive thought from lazlo so i can modify the map if everyone thinks the same :wink:
I'd love to use the real map, but it has problems around the edge - as someone said, the camera doesn't follow you, and the screen judders. It seems to do this within battlefields as well - I had one fight near pyongyang where me and my follower started off outside the battlefield zone and were frozen to the spot.

What you see in red on this screen is the map camera border, as long as you stay within it the camera will follow you, but if your character goes off camera limits, the camera wont follow him but will just glide on the border
It is very strange you had this issue near Pyongyang because it is well inside the camera borders, did you used the correct module.ini packed in the map archive (v2.3) ?

And about starting location off-maps for fights it seem to not be linked to the map but the mod or coregame itself, since those reporting that bug  previously (from what i recall) werent using the map, since the map wasnt created then^^

edit1 : actually there is a double entry in module.ini i corrected that, but it wasnt affecting the camera at all
map_min_x  = -160.783005
that was the double entry, the wrong one is at the end of the module name
As far as I'm concerned, the troops starting outside the battlefield is a bug in the previous version not all computers seemed to have.
There's a fix for it in this patch; I think it's the SceneObj part that should fix the issue, but again, I am not sure.
Patch should be compatible with the China map modification.
UnholyNighmare said:
Well, first off the map is messy and it is waaaay too huge. The camera also doesn't follow you when you get to the edges of the map which is really disturbing.

Well the map isnt bigger than warband native map, actually it is smaller. WilliamBerne asked for a warband map size, i guess he has plan to put more stuff in the end (towns...). I only used the same number of towns/villages/castles that were in the original mod since i could not add more just by editing .txt files. I agree it makes some area quite "desert" because you have to travel a lot sometime.

Keep in mind this is noway what William has in mind for locations/spawns(...) :wink: but just a map provided as it is for testing purpose, with a "revamped" parties.txt to make it historical.

I made  a variation of this map with no camera borders for those who dont like what it is atm. check 2.04b download link in map thread.
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