No influence gain.

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Hello sweet forum readers!

I seem to be having either an issue or maybe a bug but I am not gaining or losing influence.... After fighting some big battles I should receive up to 10 influence as a reward according to the victory screen but instead im not gaining anything when i check my influence next to my money on the information bar on the campaign map....

Anyone else having this issue? Or have an explanation for me what im doing wrong haha.

Thanks in advance!

Hey guys thsnks for answering dorry for the lack of extra information.

I am after completing the main quest proud owner of a kingdom.
I am am owner of 2 castles and 4 villages.
Currently have no other lords employed in my kingdom.
Influence says its 0,26 with an expected change of 0 while in the victory screen it says i should get influence (currently trying to stop the snowball of the northern empire).
I did the main questline to form my own kingdom and have not been gaining influence. For example, I've got 0 influence, go fight a battle, win, battle says I won 2.6 influence, however influence remains at 0.

Either influence is bugged or not completely implemented yet
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