no danger?

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eric virgo

i was happily going round the map with my 30 marksmen till i realized i never tried to fight with any knights in my army...

so easily i disbanded all my troops and got some brand new footmen.. within a game week or so i made them all knights! then i entered my first battle.

it was a flipping disgrace! the enemy troops fell like flies!!! i just stood on the top of the hill and watched gleefully at the carnage below...

the moments of a battle general... ahhhh...

but after 10 or so victorious fights i suddenly felt a bit useless.
so i thought.. lets try the javelins.

now i walk in the battle field like a demented obssesed old man with three bags of javelins and a sword and try to kill as many enemies as i can. i feel invinsible.

then i try to do cinema-worthy scenes... like hitting the enemy from pointblank with an arrow in the eye. or wait on foot till the enemy cavalry arrives to hack them down with my mighty axe, great sword or whatever...

the question that comes to mind is:

is the game getting any harder? or should i switch back to my archers?
i need difficulty! challenge! DANGER! I NEVER DIE... I MEAN LOSE!

(yes i use advanced ai and normal damage)
You have 107% difficult (well the maxium for unrealistic goes well too)? I played with 107% and it got boring with knights. I usually left them behind and killed the enemis if I could and commanded them to charge if I was in trouble.
But unfortunately, sometime you are just bound to make a new char in hope of challenge (which it will give you, the first 20 levels are the funnest to play).
I always give it 107% but since the last update I always have go to the options page to set it that way. If it is really too easy you could try a character like one guy suggested, Friar Tuck only wears a robe and whacks guys with a staff. I think that sounds extremely challenging and I might even try that.
I have an all-knight army, primarily for the speed. However, I have also noticed that they tend to make mincemeat of pretty much everything (unless they get stuck in a river).

So recently, I've been fighting battles by having my men dismount at the beginning and holding position within the maze of horses. This actually makes them more effective than standard infantry, because the enemy cavalry can't slaughter them all with repeated charges (they get caught on the horses). Sometimes I join them, sometimes I patrol the perimeter for archers. I like the "holding your position against overwhelming odds" feel better than just charging in and slaughtering everything.
Yeah, cavalry do make the game easier, and are vastly superior to archers or even heavy footmen. Maybe you could try just going solo? And once you've mastered that, try going solo on foot. And after that...then try the friar tuck idea. Hopefully there will be more challenges in the final version.
Try to theme your forces. Pick what your character would prefer to fight with him, and try to use those.

For example, Richari (my Horse archer raider) makes no sense to have Swadian Knights fighting against their own caravans. I get him the V horsemen, not upgrading them to Knights (the Horsemen have that good 'feral' look of rough raiders) and often I take on prisoner caravans so I can bolster my numbers with captured bandits. At the moment I'm on the lookout for Black Khergit prisoners. I try to make sure every single one of his warriors is mounted.

On the other hand, Sir James (my Swadian allied Knight) uses a mixed force of Swadian soldiers. Of his 43 NPC soldiers (not counting Marnid as his medic and Borsha as his tracker) he has 15 infantry/Sargeants, 15 Crossbowmen/sharpshooters, and 13 Knights. He believes all soldiers have their uses, and in the balance of a good army. Though his usual tactic is to tell his soldiers to hold position, and ride out in his Charger to lure the enemy into a spot within range and sight of his archers. When there he begins riding back to his soldiers and tells them to charge, meeting his horsemen half way. It makes the game VERY atmospheric, and adds a cool element to the charge (since the Knights impact strongly with the enemy line, only to have the foe's rear then smashed into by the infantry. Very cinematic)
Yeppers. Thematic forces can be quite a challenge. Probably the easiest way to play this game is as an armoured knight and I found it difficult to make myself a HA and play with all missile forces. After all, charging in with a lance and 2H weapons with a rumbling wall of heavy knights behind you in probably the easiest way to take out a force.

However, the change of pace is great and adapting to different styles keeps this game fresh.
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