
Here's my big list of suggestions. (it will be getting bigger as I come up with more ideas.) The first section is small changes would bebe easier to implement, and the second section is the bigger changes.
Small Suggestions
Help Noobs!!!:
You could change or add some words to the descriptions of stats for clarity. For example, instead of putting 'c' and 'b', put cutting and blunt. Also, you could describe the requirements for items; like change horse difficulty to ‘riding skill required’ (I blew all my cash on a hunter when I had a riding skill of 1
) You could also put in "two handed" or "one handed" on polearms. I just lost about 6000 gold (which is a lot for me) because I bought a glaive before realizing it couldn't be used with a shield, and then I had to buy my old weapon back 
Horse and Normal Inventory: You get an extra 'carried weapon' slot if you've got a horse equipped. Also, small items could be stackable up to a certain amount (i.e. you can have 2 quivers stacked, or 3 bolts).
Display Horse HP: It would be nice to know when my horse is about to get killed... that way I can get off it or start using my bow instead of it getting poked by sharp metal objects. At least horses will heal in the next version
Arrows/Bolts get Stuck in Everything: I don't know if it's a bug or they never were programmed to, but arrows don't seem to stick in horses or shields. They should.
Terrain:I think there should be more hills, forests, and rivers added into the world map. Also, battle terrain should depend on where you encountered the enemy. For example, if you met a bunch of bandits in a forest, the map would be full of trees.
Sounds:You could add sounds to the AI commands. For example, ordering a charge makes your units roar a battlecry, or blow on some horns (they would alternate). Sounds would only be played every 3 seconds, although you could hit the order keys as many times as you wanted.
Bigger Changes
Specialized Towns
This is my favorite idea. If the towns are going to be changed from text to graphical (like Zendar), than I think it would be cool to change up the stores the towns have, to make each town more unique. For example, Praven might have a weak Smithy, but it could have a good Stables. Examples of stores that a town could have:
Smithy: A bad smithy would sell more tattered, rusty, bent items, whereas a good smithy would sell mostly balanced, reinforced, and normal items.
Stables: You could leave your horse here for a fee. During the time that your horse is in the stables, it heals at an increased rate (if it is lame.) A good stables would have mostly spirited, heavy, and normal horses for sale, as well as a high healing rate. A bad stables would have a low healing rate, as well as more lame and swaybacked horses for sale.
Tavern: If the towns are changed to graphical, you could also have the warriors for hire standing around the tavern (ie Swadian crossbowmen are in the corner, Peasants are by the fire ect). Also, additional quest-giving characters could be located here. A popular tavern would have a faster healing rate, more units for hire, and maybe a quest character. An unpopular tavern would have a slow healing rate, less units for hire, and no quest characters. Also, you could leave units here, although you would have to pay 3 gold per night for each.
Slave Buyers: You could add a "prisoner of war" buyer in the Swadian and Vaegir capitals. These buyers would pay 200 gold per prisoner, but they only buy units from the opposite faction. If the units that you captured are the highest rank (ie. Knights, Marksmen) then you get a small number of rank points (the thing you get when you complete quests for your faction) as well as the gold. Also, in a Neutral town, you could have a buyer that paid about 120-130 gold for each prisoner, but you have to have a minumum number of 10 prisoners.
More Death Animations:Having the same death animations get kinda old after a while... Maybe you could make some that depend on where the fatal damage was recieved. If a footman gets hit in the back, he falls to his knees, if a calvaryman gets hit in the back, he falls against against his horse's neck before sliding off.
Indepentant Heros:I noticed that you can leave units with your heros. I think it would be cool if you could make it so that the hero could independantly run off and fight people with his party (instead of just running away). You would be able to see his party at all times. When his inventory got full of loot, or everybody in his party is dead, he would automatically start following your party. Also, you could give him commands to sell stuff, hire more men, and follow you. When Heros are on their own, you have to pay them a relitively large salary.
Heros:With the new alternate leveling routes, party slots are more precious than ever. I think heros shouldn't take up a party slot. Perhaps you could add in more heros, which you would have to do quests or buy items for to gain. You could have a seperate roster for heros, which is affected by leadership. You start with one hero slot (heros can also go into the normal troop roster, just like they do now.), and you get an additional slot every 2 leadership points.
That's all for now, I have to get back to playing the game!
Small Suggestions
Help Noobs!!!:

Horse and Normal Inventory: You get an extra 'carried weapon' slot if you've got a horse equipped. Also, small items could be stackable up to a certain amount (i.e. you can have 2 quivers stacked, or 3 bolts).
Display Horse HP: It would be nice to know when my horse is about to get killed... that way I can get off it or start using my bow instead of it getting poked by sharp metal objects. At least horses will heal in the next version

Arrows/Bolts get Stuck in Everything: I don't know if it's a bug or they never were programmed to, but arrows don't seem to stick in horses or shields. They should.
Terrain:I think there should be more hills, forests, and rivers added into the world map. Also, battle terrain should depend on where you encountered the enemy. For example, if you met a bunch of bandits in a forest, the map would be full of trees.
Sounds:You could add sounds to the AI commands. For example, ordering a charge makes your units roar a battlecry, or blow on some horns (they would alternate). Sounds would only be played every 3 seconds, although you could hit the order keys as many times as you wanted.
Bigger Changes
Specialized Towns
This is my favorite idea. If the towns are going to be changed from text to graphical (like Zendar), than I think it would be cool to change up the stores the towns have, to make each town more unique. For example, Praven might have a weak Smithy, but it could have a good Stables. Examples of stores that a town could have:
Smithy: A bad smithy would sell more tattered, rusty, bent items, whereas a good smithy would sell mostly balanced, reinforced, and normal items.
Stables: You could leave your horse here for a fee. During the time that your horse is in the stables, it heals at an increased rate (if it is lame.) A good stables would have mostly spirited, heavy, and normal horses for sale, as well as a high healing rate. A bad stables would have a low healing rate, as well as more lame and swaybacked horses for sale.
Tavern: If the towns are changed to graphical, you could also have the warriors for hire standing around the tavern (ie Swadian crossbowmen are in the corner, Peasants are by the fire ect). Also, additional quest-giving characters could be located here. A popular tavern would have a faster healing rate, more units for hire, and maybe a quest character. An unpopular tavern would have a slow healing rate, less units for hire, and no quest characters. Also, you could leave units here, although you would have to pay 3 gold per night for each.
Slave Buyers: You could add a "prisoner of war" buyer in the Swadian and Vaegir capitals. These buyers would pay 200 gold per prisoner, but they only buy units from the opposite faction. If the units that you captured are the highest rank (ie. Knights, Marksmen) then you get a small number of rank points (the thing you get when you complete quests for your faction) as well as the gold. Also, in a Neutral town, you could have a buyer that paid about 120-130 gold for each prisoner, but you have to have a minumum number of 10 prisoners.
More Death Animations:Having the same death animations get kinda old after a while... Maybe you could make some that depend on where the fatal damage was recieved. If a footman gets hit in the back, he falls to his knees, if a calvaryman gets hit in the back, he falls against against his horse's neck before sliding off.
Indepentant Heros:I noticed that you can leave units with your heros. I think it would be cool if you could make it so that the hero could independantly run off and fight people with his party (instead of just running away). You would be able to see his party at all times. When his inventory got full of loot, or everybody in his party is dead, he would automatically start following your party. Also, you could give him commands to sell stuff, hire more men, and follow you. When Heros are on their own, you have to pay them a relitively large salary.
Heros:With the new alternate leveling routes, party slots are more precious than ever. I think heros shouldn't take up a party slot. Perhaps you could add in more heros, which you would have to do quests or buy items for to gain. You could have a seperate roster for heros, which is affected by leadership. You start with one hero slot (heros can also go into the normal troop roster, just like they do now.), and you get an additional slot every 2 leadership points.
That's all for now, I have to get back to playing the game!