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Hopefully in a few days, but nobody actually knows. The devs want the mod tools to be absolutly perfect so they never have to change them again, breaking compatability.
*Nods nods nods*

We're all waiting anxiously for the next version of M&B, but at the moment all we can do is wait.

Now if I were you I'd just wait because posting that kind of question (When the new version comes out?) usually attracts the wrath of some people. You'll see what I'm talking about in the following minutes. :smile: It is perfectly clear to the developers that we want a new version, so it is usually annoying to have people asking for it all the time.

Anyways, it's been some time since the last version so I guess the next one is pretty close. Just wait and I know we'll be amazed and very pleased. M&B team has proven to be a very competent one.
miruim said:
Now if I were you I'd just wait because posting that kind of question (When the new version comes out?) usually attracts the wrath of some people. You'll see what I'm talking about in the following minutes. :

:twisted: FEEL MY WRATH :twisted: .joke

God, I can't wait for those mod tools!
Caps are bad :wink:

But honestly, a very roughly estimated ETA of the next release wouldn't hurt, would it?
In all seriousness though, is there anywhere the devs post their plans?

For example, a release target date and the plans for features of the next release?

I have looked a bit for this, but haven't found anything from the devs themselves. Shouldn't something like that go on the web site?
It's at the same site where they host their plans for world domination at www.***********.com.

EDIT: Ignore that message it was all a lie.......
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