NEWS: Official new ranks and custom tags.

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Grandmaster Knight
Here are your new ranks.

Peasant 0-50
Craftsman 50-100
Merchant 100-175
Alderman 175-250
Squire 250-325
Knight 325-450
Baron 450-600
Viscount 600-825
Earl 825- 1050
Marquess 1050- 1375
Duke 1375-?


About custom tags, this is how it's going to work. You will ONLY be given a custom tag if you contributed, or are contributing something to the game, to the community, or to us admins.

We will decide who will get them, if you ask for one, you will specifically not be given one. Ever. Both me and Nair feel strongly about this.

note: A high post count does not symbolize a constructive contribution.

That's all for now, feel free to ask any and all questions.
Oh my! That poor mutt, are you seriously going to shoot that innocent dogs while he haven't eaten anythinig for few days! Have heart and show mercy to this dog...

:razz: :lol:

Eagle out...
I bet they'll kill more than the dog if you catch my drift. Anyways I am all for this new scheme. If it doesn't work out, yous guys can always change it back to the old system. I also want to mention that I am glad special tags are reserved for certain people. I would hate to see people with "king spam" or "n00b god" or "frisbee ninja (:razz:)" etc etc.
Hmmm... I do see the sexist coments made about ones self below thy name milady... So you should have an option of: 'MALE' 'FEMALE' or "I DONT KNOW!!"
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