News: Date next release 1.31 version

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Yesterday, We annunce 1.31 release, but Forum had problem:,143977.0.html


1.31 Version will be release before Sunday 22:00 (EU hour).

You meet new features, bugfixed, new scenes, new stuff (a lot of stuff), new horses, and others things more.

1.3 savegames will be compatible.
Old savegames 1.21 version havent support. I Sorry to say this, but the new version requires that import / export a character or start again. Continue to maintain the old savegames not only difficult to grow in Brytenwalda, but to perpetuate problems and conflicts.

Brytenwalda enhance your experience in this version 1.31, we're getting all the potential and started to developed on the 1.3.

We appreciate your patience, and we are sure you will enjoy.

We could say that 1.31 will be a near-final product.











Didn't expected to be released that soon and even 1.3 savegame compatible...excelent.
well i know exactly what i'm going to do at this weekend, yay!
Great work guys. Really impressed with the dedication you guys are showing (modders take note). :wink:

Just one more thing; Is there any particular reason that the mod gets released so late on a sunday night every time? It's just such an awkward time for a lot of people and almost impossible to play that late on a sunday so we end up waiting all day sunday, which is generally free time to play and test, but the mod doesn't come out until around 10pm and most people have to be up for work and school the next day.

This isn't a complaint, just a question and an observation.
1.31 Version will be release before Sunday 22:00 (EU hour).
ooohhh, very brave to announce date and TIME...
If I may suggest something, considering the mbrepository hammering of the last release, can you upload a copy in parallel to another file-share website? Another solution I advocate is using bittorrent for such things. I will happily contribute my bandwidth to distribute this wonderful piece of work.

FrisianDude said:
Caer Manaw, you will be mine!
A castle on an Island? - YES PLEASE!
The defenders will drown in the blood of endless human-waves till I own it.

I can see it right now: A foreigner, second son to a noble family that decided to carve out his own kingdom if he cannot inherit one. No being vassal to any silly little king this time. First Pictavia will fall, then Britania!
trueten said:
Any new items? The one that Burstwarzenlenny was modelling all the time. Those shields, berserkers...
They will be in^^
Idibil forgot to post the screens in this topic :wink:
But I've sent him the most new items, yet. So they'll be in this version.

And some other stuff, he doesn't know yet.
And screens of some new things are on the ModDB-/Facebook-site of Brytenwalda, too!

When the V1.3 is uploaded and I've downloaded it, I would upload it to ModDB.
Or Idibil uploads it to ModDB^^
Idibil said:
1.3 savegames will be compatible.

I very much appreciate this, but does this mean all new features will work in a 1.3 save, or are there some things that only happen in a new game?

For example, I believe winery income is supposed to be decreased.  Does this mean my existing wineries will all of a sudden make a lot less money, or will they keep their current income levels?  Or will only new wineries I build after loading the save in the new 1.31, or only wineries from a new start, have decreased income?
mouthnhoof said:
1.31 Version will be release before Sunday 22:00 (EU hour).
ooohhh, very brave to announce date and TIME...
If I may suggest something, considering the mbrepository hammering of the last release, can you upload a copy in parallel to another file-share website? Another solution I advocate is using bittorrent for such things. I will happily contribute my bandwidth to distribute this wonderful piece of work.

Ok. However, we add download in strategy informer too.

ppga said:
Idibil said:
1.3 savegames will be compatible.
I very much appreciate this, but does this mean all new features will work in a 1.3 save, or are there some things that only happen in a new game?

Yes, You dont see things like new icon and lose some feature, but game run well. You winery income will be reduce.
killkhan said:
Great work guys. Really impressed with the dedication you guys are showing (modders take note). :wink:

Just one more thing; Is there any particular reason that the mod gets released so late on a sunday night every time? It's just such an awkward time for a lot of people and almost impossible to play that late on a sunday so we end up waiting all day sunday, which is generally free time to play and test, but the mod doesn't come out until around 10pm and most people have to be up for work and school the next day.

This isn't a complaint, just a question and an observation.

killkhan said:
Great work guys. Really impressed with the dedication you guys are showing (modders take note). :wink:

Just one more thing; Is there any particular reason that the mod gets released so late on a sunday night every time? It's just such an awkward time for a lot of people and almost impossible to play that late on a sunday so we end up waiting all day sunday, which is generally free time to play and test, but the mod doesn't come out until around 10pm and most people have to be up for work and school the next day.

This isn't a complaint, just a question and an observation.

It's an easy answer. The weekend is when most we can work on the mod, since in real life we have to work Monday to Friday  :grin:

Danwood said:
OMG. Thanks for destroying my real life.

Sorry  :mrgreen:
Great work guys. It looks awesome. But one thing... Once you "finish" the mod. Please see if you can keep on adding/patching stuff into the mod, since i can't get enough of it  :wink:
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