newest clash of the titans - good film?

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Quick tip. Lock this thread, then search for a new one using the bar in the top right of your screen. If you can't find a thread about it already ( I'm 90% sure there is one) then make it here, in Music, Books & Art. It's used for films as well.
Revilo said:
Quick tip. Lock this thread, then search for a new one using the bar in the top right of your screen. If you can't find a thread about it already ( I'm 90% sure there is one) then make it here, in Music, Books & Art. It's used for films as well.

And how do i 'lock', good sir?
Should be a button located at the bottom of the page saying 'Lock topic'. On the left, if I remember correctly. This way, you'll get a lot less people going 'OmG Wrong sub FOrUM!!one11!' and so it'll be easier to stay on topic. At least for a while, this is Taleworlds after all.
Revilo said:
Should be a button located at the bottom of the page saying 'Lock topic'. On the left, if I remember correctly. This way, you'll get a lot less people going 'OmG Wrong sub FOrUM!!one11!' and so it'll be easier to stay on topic. At least for a while, this is Taleworlds after all.

ahh i found it, what does 'locking' do to the thread?
It prevents anyone from posting.

For future reference, whenever you make a thread there is a large red section above the text box. That section has important information and rules. Read it every time you're planning on starting a thread, and do what it tells you to do.
Magorian Aximand said:
It prevents anyone from posting.

For future reference, whenever you make a thread there is a large red section above the text box. That section has important information and rules. Read it every time you're planning on starting a thread, and do what it tells you to do.


it's been a while since you've in one way or another corrected one of my pointless threads ;D
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