Newbie question, settlement relation.

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Uhm.. I sort of screwed up a bit, my game is 50 days old now, have around 100 pop + soldiers (if I understood that correctly) and ride around gathering peasants and killing bandits. So its going rather nice.

The problem is, I now have -18 in relationship..!

I've "root out corruption" around 5-6 times, and collected taxes twice. Now, I noticed that my relationship dropped when I collected taxes, but it did not raise when I gave the money back ("Give 1000 gold to settlement").

I've read that you can improve the relationship by just hanging around, but is there any other way to improve it fast? If not then I guess I'll just have to enter my settlement and go to sleep for a while.. Then it should be pretty high when I wake up, right?
Killing bandits inside your settlement scene helps. That's not what you mean when you said "ride around gathering peasants and killing bandits", is it? If you have a tavern you can raise it by 1 for 1,000 denars. That's all I know regarding settlement relationships, but I haven't noticed them being that important.

And by wait around, they mean riding around your settlement scene and not necessarily doing anything.
Ya, the most active way to raise relations is to ride around patrolling your settlement (generally visiting the four corners of the area) and killing any bandits you find.
That's not what you mean when you said "ride around gathering peasants and killing bandits", is it?

Nope, I meant that I ride around on the world map.

But thanks a ton! The random bandit attacks sort of makes it impossible to just "hang around" and go to sleep... You'd get attacked and it'll all be forfeit since you don't fight well on M&B when you sleep IRL....

Guess I'll just have to raise it slow and steady then : )

Great mod by the way. I've gotten a few minor glitches, but nothing too big, so overall a really cool mod : ) Cant wait for my settlement to grow : )
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