new version

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i know i will get flamed for this, and i know that it has been asked in other threads. but i though rather than drag up an old thread that has pages an pages of stuff already there i will make a new one.

i have read all the other threads and they all say check back oaccasionally. i have been, since the last update came out and it has been, what, several months since the last version came out.

don't get me wrong, it's a great game, an i'm not tryin to imply or otherwise that everyone isn't doing their best and workin hard, but i would like, an i'm sure others would too, to know a rough estimate for the next update.
Don't bet on it, Jeeves. Giving release dates is just asking for trouble. You give a date and something happens, then you have a thousand kids screaming about how you "broke your promise" and how you "owe them a new version [sic]" and other such crap. It will be done when it's done.
"owe them a new version [sic]"

I agree that everything should be done in its own time, and that the devs aren't legally bound to finishing the game within any time period, but as we payed them money for the game (unlike with, say, a free community mod), aren't we technically owed future updates?
No, we aren't owed anything. We payed for what we got, if updates stop theres nothing we can do about it. In buying the game pre-release you put your trust in Armagan that he would finish the game, there was no guarantee.
I agree ... that the devs aren't legally bound to finishing the game

I'm just saying that morally (rather than legally) I would, in their place, feel bound to finishing the game, since I would have accepted money off trusting customers.

Please don't think I'm being pushy or anything. I really respect and admire the skills of the development team behind this gem, and fully trust them to finish the game, regardless of whenever that takes place. I was just thinking aloud about the responsabilities one takes on when one offers something for sale.
I'm just saying that morally (rather than legally) I would, in their place, feel bound to finishing the game, since I would have accepted money off trusting customers.

So you paid for the current game and it is playable. You are playing and enjoying it, arent you?. Yes, you have bought an unfinished product. But they sell it for only 12$ to compensate this.
I was a bit unclear, usually people scream that they are owed a new version on a certain date. However, moaning about being owed a new version at all does come up from time to time in these types of situation. As has been said, however, every one of us payed for the beta of the game, at a reduced price, so technically we aren't owed (morally and especially legally) any updates at all.
As has been said, however, every one of us payed for the beta of the game, at a reduced price, so technically we aren't owed (morally and especially legally) any updates at all.

Legally, no of course. But morally, yes, since we have been promised a full game. We bought becouse we liked the unfinished version enough, of course, but also becouse we want a finished "M&B".
Full game has a [foreseen] retail price of 25$.
We paid 12$ [well... I paid 10 Euros + misc expenses...].
We got what we paid for.
A pre-release version of a commercial game, at a heavily discounted price.
Half the game, half the price.

Is Dev team [Armagan and spouse...] morally bound to keep up with their customers?
I don't know. I hope they'll finish this game, eventually.

Should anything go wrong, Armagan promised he'd release a modified exe for everybody to get.

I know I used to waste a lot of money on ill conceived games, with a shorter lasting appeal.
Sure, seeing M&B 1.0 would be nice. But I am not sweating it.
As long as my serial is carrying me from 0.632 to 1.0, I'm fine with it.
Amongst all the complaining about release dates and **** im looking at it in a positive way incase, god forbid, anything did go wrong :sad:, Armagan is creating the modding tools.... BRILLIANT! i am no modder myself but the modding commuity for M&B is huge :grin: which is a really fantastic thing. Once Armagan has released it,in someways (although it would be excellent to get the full version), what does it matter when the full thing is released??? Imagine the amount of mods that will spawn as a result of this update? COUNTLESS!! So i think altough it has been a very long wait.... since about 10th May i think off the top of my head.... we should stop with the ''meh im a stupid impatient n00b threads'' and wait with joyfull anticipation for what i think will be the most important release/update so far.
I have to think a little different from you guys, although I don't think the devs are bound (one way or another) to the customers in this case, I think this type of thread (if it stays mature) really supports the game. If everyone stops asking for the update, it might seems that noone actually wants it. But I rather stay with the "guessing" thread types, where innocent people try to guess what will be implemented in the next thread (or what they wish to be implemented), and the devs have both feedback and suggestions...

lots of babblering I know...
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