New version changes: report what you have found

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Hey all. How about a thread to report any minor changes you have noticed in the new version? I will start with a few ones I just noticed:

- The battle doest not end imediatly after you get knocked out, it ends a few seconds later, so you can see your body laying on the ground.

- Also, real battles (not tournament ones) doest not end after all enemies are killed. The game now waits for you to press "tab".

- Enemy AI seens to be improved specially when fighting mounted.

- The new chest in Zendar inn contains a lot of good stuff.

- Meele combat when on foot seens easier, dont know why.

What else?
-Glaive damage is higher (?), damage of many 2h axes has been changed.

-There's the new Armor skill (wich other from being a prerequisite doesn't seem to give any practical benefit)

-Strenght gives +1 hit points and Int +1 skill points at a reduced 1/2 ratio instead of the old 1/1 ratio.

-Watchmen and Swadian Milita crossbreeded themselves with spiders.
All horses seem to be a bit faster. Or maybe it's just the new gallop animation.
Daimyo, the problem isn't with the units, it's the padded cloth that's bugged. Also, the armor skill description says that the skill also reduces armor penalties. Dunno what that means, exactly, but I'm pretty sure that it includes movement speed.
okiN said:
Also, the armor skill description says that the skill also reduces armor penalties. Dunno what that means, exactly, but I'm pretty sure that it includes movement speed.

I did some tests and my speed seems unaffected when wearing an heavy armor.
I tried with the Coat of plates you find in the chest: it has a weight of 18 and an Armor req. of 2. Improving my armor skill from 2 to 5 didn't showed any appreciable improvement in my walking speed, while increasing my athletics skill from 2 to 3, did change visibly my speed.

Maybe there are differences on damage dealt (?), or the differences are so slim they're not noticeable.
Holy ****, this is what I call sneaky! I was slaughtering a few river pirates in extremely heavy fog, right? So I'm riding away from them, reloading my light crossbow, and suddenly I'm at the edge of this insanely steep, high cliff, about to plunge my insanely expensive spirited charger into certain doom. I managed to gather my wits and pressed Ctrl-R to rear my horse, but that was one close call! I rode up to the cliff after the battle was over and took a screenshot to show you how sudden the plunge was. And it appeared out of nowhere! I love the new weather effects! :grin:

the face-editing screen has the new option "mouth width"(is it new? it sounds familiar but i started a new character just yesterday and didn't notice it), and "roman nose" was replaced with "nosebridge". i also think there's a new hair color.

and my horse seem to get hurt more often, but it could be just me.
Yair Hunter said:
the face-editing screen has the new option "mouth width"(is it new? it sounds familiar but i started a new character just yesterday and didn't notice it), and "roman nose" was replaced with "nosebridge". i also think there's a new hair color.

and my horse seem to get hurt more often, but it could be just me.

Mouth width is definately new.
-horse riding animation's changed, for the rider and horse! looks wicked
-you can reload light crossbows on back
-combat's a LOT harder
-the lance is much more sensitive to mouse movement
-more trees and map decoration!
-terrain generates according to where you are on the world map, generally more extreme, much more very steep maps and much more flat maps
-fog when it's raining (also inside a house , prolly a bug)
new trees and weather effect. It rains more and with more thick for.

New terrain like snow and desert/dry type terrain.

I was playing a awesome little battle in a hilly forest full of forest bandits. They slaugtered me. They really have the advantage in such an arena. I was mounted so didnt do so well.

I thought that was anice touch
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