New upgraded Roman Triarii Spear for Lost Legionnaire mod

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Sergeant Knight at Arms


Here are Jeff's updated of his hard work on this spear for roman Triarii.

Eagle out...
Why is the base of the spearhead bigger than the shaft? They should slide into each other. Just like a normal spear. Triarii spears weren't any different from any other spear.
Ah looking good! You guys are really talented at this and just amaze me at your speed. Looking forward to your next installations.
Hey, eagle i know you've done a lot already. But maybe you could make the spearhead shiny and make the grip cover more of the shaft.
They're metal aren't they? Of course they can be shiny.

Just look at this Triarii and Hastati:
Looks shiny to me. See the light glisten?

Okay, look at the Triarii spear in this one then:
All right cool. Not trying to pressure you guys, these are just suggestions. I just want your mod to be insanely cool.
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