New updated Roman Legionary shield

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Sergeant Knight at Arms

Here are new with alot of improved models, made by Jeff.

Eagle out...
I like it, not sure how it will look in the darker medival setting on Mount and Blade, but its a really good render and skin.

10/10 for visuals
7/10 for fitting in.
Lovely. I can't really comment on accaracy, as Roman isn't my era of interest, but looks really slick.

I like the curve, but I'm wondering if they're a little too tightly curved. Maybe? I don't really know, I haven't delt with much roman era stuff, but for some reason I'm thinking they're like 1/4 too deep.

Looks sweet, so don't bother listening to me and run off to change em, not worth it :razz:
Those look really, really good. I was wondering though, if you could do the other design with the eagle wings and Jupiter lightning bolts of the legion... it doesn't matter thought b/c that one looks great anyway. geat job
Talroth, the curve is perfect. This'll be really cool if you guys make lorica hamata, lorica segmenta, a legionary helmet, and a gladius.
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