New Unreal Tournament !

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It will be completly free (no microtransactions or anything), Pc exclusive  :!:, totally moddable, true to it's roots and competitive.
It will be open source and the developement team will consist of Epic, UT fans and UE4 developers.

That's awesome news in my opinion and I'm super hyped.  :grin:

Link to the announcement
Regardless of how well it works out, I really like their marketing strategy. Releasing it free with a paid user content marketplace isn't something I've seen done before, but thinking about it I'm quite struck by how elegant a solution it is. People make user-generated content like mods anyway for free, allowing them to sell that content on a marketplace you control (with a distribution cut for the games company) would be a huge incentive for user content to be developed, and would help fund the game. It may not work out (after all, there's only a few Warband mods I'd ever consider paying for), but if managed the right way it could be a real success.
Was UT3 a success at all? I feel like UT2K4 was probably the last big one that a lot of people played and remembered and it is ten years old now. I wonder if they are going to try and recapture the old spirit of the series or if they will be trying to new audiences since a lot of people who have started gaming in the last ten years probably haven't played much if any UT.
Well, this just happened on the forum:

My name is Michiel van den Bos and one of the two main composers for the original Unreal and Unreal Tournament. It's been a while and my memory's a bit foggy, but my music has been featured in classic maps like Curse][, Codex, Facing Worlds, Tempest and many others. I've been composing for games ever since, including the universally praised soundtrack for Age of Wonders 3.

I'm writing here because I was getting messages and e-mails telling me I should, due to the announcement of the new UT.

I was wondering if there is any interest in me getting involved and I'm sure I can get Alex to join in too.
If so, I'd be happy to continue a discussion here or off-forum at mikebossmusic[at]

Thank you for your attention and best regards,
Michiel van den Bos
"Alex" being Alexander Brandon. The two are responsible for the soundtracks of the original Unreal Tournament and of course Deus Ex.
A lot of bull**** journalists have jumped on this already like it's an official release, but there is indeed a community compiled version you can try online if you manage to cram yourself into one of the servers.

Find it in the topic of this IRC channel:
Port: 6667
Channel: #beyondunreal

It super rough and obviously not meant for mass consumption, but it's something.
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