New Unit Types

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Hey all,

Another topic for discussion, what do you all think about the range of units.

I think it's pretty good and sizeable, and it can be a chare getting some of your troops up to a good Knight or Sharpshooter. However, one thing that annoys me is the level thing where you can't have troops upgrade till you reach ridiculous levels. I'm sidelining...

My point was, I would like to see more types of units that actually take their roles seriously. I find it only a little annoying that all you can tell your troops to do is basically "stop, follow and kill." I think it would be great to see more troops like, for example, field medics :> and more available like Hobeliars and Knights on foot. Maybe some custom units where you can pick and choose what types of stats they have at what upgrade levels and what they use. With this must of course come new commands. A good way to do this would be to have the same kind of system as Counterstrike voice chat, where you have, in this case as would be, 1-3 being command keys, and 1-9 being commands within them.

1. Move commands
.Dig in
.shield formation
.pikes front
2. Attacking
.Attack nearest Enemy
.Aim for the horses
3 Advanced tactics (involving a real use of the tactics skill, which I currently see no point to)
.Sort into types
.Form up
.Units diversify (All troops do what they are good at, so my damned crossbowmen won't take out their maces when they could shoot)

I'm sure with some time and with others help I could think of more to put on this list, but I need sleep now, so give me some feedback everyone, tell me what you think about it.
More advanced troop formations and commands has been suggested about a million times already :razz:

Guards/sergeants are essentially knights on foot.

You get to choose your heroes' stats.

And what's a hobeliar?
a hobilar was a light horseman, usually used as scouts or to harass the enemy flanks, etc. I know the English used them, but I'm sure they were used elsewhere.
They are basically mounted skirmishers.
However, I think the range of this game is too small for that kind of tactics, because M&B doesn't portray large scale combats with hundreds of participants.
In small fights like in M&B even skirmishers don't really fit in their historic roles.
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