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I discovered Mountain & Blade from Penny Arcade's forums, which the people there seem to really be raving about!
And I can see why! Pretty impressive for just two people involved in making it!
I just now purchased the game btw, and look forward to sharing what I think about it!


I also just found out about the game not three days ago. In my opinion this is the most realistic medieval combat in a game ive ever seen(which isnt a huge feat hehe, there are few medieval fps types and none are like this),myself being a medieval combat fighter(SCA) and an avid historian.
When I told my freind about the game, I couldn't remember the URL, so I just told him to google it. He called me up saying it was too hard to find the real site, because all the hits were sites about knives... Until we realized that he'd searched for Mountain Blade.
Yes, it can be easily confused! You think Mount & Blade, but you say it: "Mountain Blade"
I can see why the named the game this, but maybe another name would be better? Honestly, I made a silly mistake.
Welcome goes out to me as well!


yea... i also found this off penny-arcade.... cheers to the developer(s)

I have already purchased it and am enjoying very much.

Dont suppose we the community can contribute to the game at all?

I would love to give some creation a hand in this game... :smile:
Same here, including the Penny Arcade part, but not yet the purchased part.

What I'd like to know is how far the game extends. I'm still at the point where I'm roaming around getting ripped to pieces by wandering bandits. Does the game reach a point where you get to do things like siege towns?
no you can't siege towns (but it has been proposed-look in suggestions). The game pretty much ends when your party (and your char) gets powerful enough to kill everybody no matter how many guys they have. Then you just create a new character.
nightrunn3r said:
no you can't siege towns (but it has been proposed-look in suggestions). The game pretty much ends when your party (and your char) gets powerful enough to kill everybody no matter how many guys they have. Then you just create a new character.

I'm hoping for some kind of metastory, and possibly a time limit in later versions.

Say, the war reaches a peak and ends after a few months, perhaps? And some kind of story - perhaps defeating some power that has risen in the midst of all the fighting.

Something along the lines of Sid Meier's Pirates! (classic, which this game plays a lot like), where the game ended when you grew too old to continue the whole pirate business, but you can't really say you've 'beaten' the game unless you managed to complete the story (rescue your lost family from a villianous count) before that.

It'd be nice to see the player given larger-scale goals on top of the self-set ones that come from a sandbox game like this.
Keep in mind that the game is still early beta. I think that once the core gameplay is down Armagan will start working on the main plot/quest. At least, that's what I'm hoping.
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