New to The forum and Request your Opinion/Advice

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Hey, I just got the game yesterday and Ive been playing it nonstop. Great game. Here's my Charactor so far. Please tell me what you think of him.

Thingy Day 47


Level 22
Health: 53
Str: 15
Agi: 14
Int: 10
Cha: 12


Ironflesh: 3
Power Draw: 5
Weapon Master: 3
Athletics: 4
Riding: 3
Horse Archery: 3
Trainer: 1
Tracking: 1
Tactics: 2
Pathfinding: 1
Spoting: 1
Inventory Management: 1
Wound Treatment: 1
Prisoner Management: 2
Leadership: 4

Weapons Skills

One Handed Weapons: 63
Two Handed Weapons: 103
Polearms: 57
Archery: 213
Crossbows: 22
Throwing: 17


Head: Rusty Black Helmet
Armor: Cracked Black Armor
Legs: Batterd Black Greaves
Hands: Rusty Mail Mittens
Weapons: War Bow, 2 large quivers of barded arrows, Heavy Great Axe


7 Swadian Sergeants
5 Swadian Infantry
4 Swadian Sharpshooters
3 Swadian Crossbowmen
5 Swadian Malitia
3 Swadian Pesents

I think thats all... :grin:

Oh yeah, Ive seen screenshots of peoples charactor with arrows/axes/javilins sticking out of them, but when my char is hit nothing ever sticks. Anyone know how to fix?
Welcome to the forums, Thingy Master. :smile:

You will get a million different pieces of advice as it really just comes down to preference.

Hope to see you around,


P.S. Where at in Ok are you?
Looking over at your statistics the first thing I noticed was that your party does not contain Borcha. He is a higher level NPC than Marnid which makes him theoretically a better fighter, but what he really brings are his tracking, pathfinding, and spotting abilities. The difference between tracking of 1 and 2 is enormous and I would recommend getting him simply for that. Other than that, I think you should go with what you like to do, though I will say, throwing weapons are a lot of fun so I do recommend at least trying them out(probably on river pirates first, just to be safe). You can find Borcha in Rivacheg, follow this link to find out how to do so along with many other nice tidbits:
Ive been meaning to get him for some time now, but the only thing that has been preventing me has been the fact that I'm Swadian and He's in a Vaegir town that has a 100+ Warparty patrolling round. So when I feel like sacrificing my party for him, I'll do it :razz:
Yeah, i'd highly suggest getting Marnid and Borcha with every character you create, even if you want to play solo (just have them hold position at the beginning of ever battle). Rather than raising their combat abilities, you're best off using them to complement your own skills. The only party skill my main character has right now is would treatment, because borcha and marnid take care of all the rest for me. In short you can work on your combat/leadership skills without wasting points. Also, i'd suggest spending plenty of time in the arena or training room to really get the game mechanics down. Good character though. And welcome to the forums!!! :grin:
Welcome to forum.

As far as I know, you shouldn't waste more skill points in Athletics. This skill is virtually useless if you decided to go on horse. Take Horse Archery, riding (I think Charger needs 4) and other medical skills. These will make the difference between life and death.
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