new things and reason for existence

i want to ride a different animal other than the horse

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name new things that you want in the game and tell us why.
i want different animals to ride, like donkeys and camels.
I like just having horses. There aren't any arabs in it, which sort of rules out camels... although i suppose mules would be okay, especially if you follow the logic that having a horse in your inventory speeds you up on the world map, pack animals wouldn't hurt at all. Especially if they acted sort of like bags. Wouldn't it be fun to go and rob the other team's baggage train in the middle of a fight? Then you could turn tail and run, maybe even steal the whole baggage train. Adds a whole new dimension to the game, doesn't it? I'm sure people that like to do trading would appreciate it too. And I know this won't happen.... But I want a longboat. I think that would be uber cool.
For some reason when i read your post a chocobo came to mind... The big ostrich chicken thingy owns all! But i think fighting from the back of a cammel would just look...*insert any negative word here*.
:smile: Well, I'm very tempted to ask for some mythological or science fiction animal like the Pegasus or slizzard (sort of like dinosaur riding).

However, I like to keep it real.

So, sure why not donkeys, mules, and camels? I wouldn't use 'em but OK, go nuts.

Maybe a more popular idea would be to add new horse breeds, new horse capabilities, more ways of getting horses, new training of horses, additional horse skills, horses with personality.

I don't know, you've resurrected an interesting topic.
DaLagga said:
For some reason when i read your post a chocobo came to mind... The big ostrich chicken thingy owns all! But i think fighting from the back of a cammel would just look...*insert any negative word here*.
That would be pretty interesting... forgot where I heard it, but apparently people can get rides on ostriches somewhere in Africa. Always wondered what that's like...
I'm with JohnathanStrange, new horse breeds to me, would be a bit more practical. Imagine riding a draft horse into combat. One of those could definately do some damage in a charge. I'd rather see a draft horse in game, than a camel anyday.

A mule is a little closer I think, although again, I wouldn't use one. I do think this is a good topic. Things I'd like to see in game? How about some more terrain textures? Or, maybe the occasional bird or two flying by. I love the enviroments in this, so I am more for getting those up a little. This game beats others in leaps and bounds with it's small touch detail. Imagine a gloomy place, some bad area like a temple or keep, with a vulture flying by, or landing and watching you as you pass.
Not a bad idea, but i don't think many animals will qualify for the game's setting...
Personally I like the idea of beeing able to purchase packmules to increase your inventory size without needing to increase the skill. Trade-off could be that packmule's are obviously slower then horses and might limit your maximum party speed to 7.0 or so...
i got this idea of how to implement a FF7 chocobo system in this game but with horses where you catch wild horses, train them, ride them, race them, and eventualy breed them to get a stronger type of horse, but i havent finished thinking the idea through, ill get back to you on that idea
I would like that I can left my horse over a hill, go down to the battlefield with my Heavy Bardiche and chop into pieces 6 or 7 sea raiders. After this I would love the possibility to call my horse (blowing a whistle) and that it will arrived (without a rider) just where I am so I can continue to chop riders with it or escape when raider’s reinforces arrive.
jackyjkchan said:
name new things that you want in the game and tell us why.
i want different animals to ride, like donkeys and camels.

We should be able to press the use key on other foot soldiers, and ride around on their shoulders. You could add commands to order your whole army to form human pyramids. The enemy should be able to do this as well.

As your pyramid approaches the enemy's pyramid, the two at the top throw rocks at each other in order to cause a collapse.

Or perhaps instead of fighting, the battle should be won by one's skill at forming human structures. Or maybe how colourful your soldiers are.

(It actually would be kind of cool to be able to jump on the back of one of your own horserider's horse while he is on it. He would still control it, and you would be able to swing at enemies, passively riding.

Even jumping on an enemy's horse and knocking him from it would be fun, although that would be a bit GTA - I say that as though my other suggestions are sensible.)

bolso said:
I would like that I can left my horse over a hill, go down to the battlefield with my Heavy Bardiche and chop into pieces 6 or 7 sea raiders. After this I would love the possibility to call my horse (blowing a whistle) and that it will arrived (without a rider) just where I am so I can continue to chop riders with it or escape when raider’s reinforces arrive.
i would like whistling too, but it's too unrealistic. how is the horse supposed to hear you over the sound of screaming peasants? :twisted:
"We should be able to press the use key on other foot soldiers, and ride around on their shoulders. You could add commands to order your whole army to form human pyramids. The enemy should be able to do this as well.

As your pyramid approaches the enemy's pyramid, the two at the top throw rocks at each other in order to cause a collapse.

Or perhaps instead of fighting, the battle should be won by one's skill at forming human structures. Or maybe how colourful your soldiers are. "

:lol: :lol: :lol: :razz:
[quote="RJKOr perhaps instead of fighting, the battle should be won by one's skill at forming human structures. Or maybe how colourful your soldiers are.


lets stick to the fact the mount and blade is more of a combat game than a society game.
would like whistling too, but it's too unrealistic. how is the horse supposed to hear you over the sound of screaming peasants? Twisted Evil

I must disagree, when I whistle my dog it can hear my whistle even more of 200 meters away … animals tend to have better hear senses than humans and if it’s trained you will improve the chances to get a good response.
so most people would like to keep riding a horse and would like to be able to train thier horse to become stronger.

other animals such as mules and donkeys are only to decrease trade penalties a cheaper way then by using a horse.

and i like the idea of calling your horse to you instead of running around trying to find your horse.

the idea of seeing birds or insects fly around when you are inside a city or in a battle in apprecieted by me.

i would love to see specators on the balcony when you are fighting in the tournaments, because it's even lonelier than what Kradus said it was like when he started playing in the tournaments.
"only specators were sad faces of horses wait for thier turn" because now, not even horses are seen.

and btw, you don't hear any screaming in combat.
And was his idea that ridiculous anyway, that he deserved to be trolled on? During middle age and later, mules, mind you, were regular mounts, in France they were called 'the poors horse", and, just as an exemple, there were many dozens thousand of them in Paris (they were much more than horses, to the point that, because of the muddy nature of Paris roads, as they would often lose their horeshoes, mules farrier was a very money-making job -some people know about weapons, well, I know about mules, so what? :razz:-), for pack carriage as well as as mounts. The spanish priest on a donkey thing is kindda cliché :razz:
That being said, mules were not used during battles, obviously :razz:
I must agree, and generally horses where SO expensive that only knights and nobleman where able to use them … if M&B adds donkeys to the game the horse prices should be rise :wink:
Find a mod with the packmule added in, I currently use sumpter horses for my packmules. I give two to Marnid, to to Borcha, and keep 3 in my train so we will still have a hight party speed when we are all fully loaded.

thank you mfberg for your brief informaton about the mule and donkey.
so should the sumter horse be replaced by the mule or the donkey?
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