New Team for next clan tournament

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My nickname in the game is a barbarian in the onslaught of Olonzo. (I am 48 years old)
More scandalous name in the game anywhere in the world you have not heard. Half of what you know about me is almost true. Deboshir and an alcoholic. Cheater in the rules of the Eurotournament and the godfather of all cheaters' warband. I could give you a lot of references to all my crimes. But I will not do it
I'll tell you about something else. I never boasted about my skill, because it's really stupid. I am proud that in three professions in life, I left after myself really talented students. Which really thank me. It happened. And this is my working life.
But it so happened that I had students who put me on the net. You can not imagine how I was ashamed of the computer, knowing that children will play against me. But excitement takes its toll. After a while I bought a computer and gave me a bonus 1 disk. Come on (Warband), will you? But it's true. A year later I went into the net alone.
And here it all began. All that you heard about the onslaught, or rather about the European onslaught, rumors, but I had to go there. I did not find special fame there. All my achievements in terms of acquired, that they were useful in building a brilliant team "Inquisition". But when in 2012 the timethe prepared by me was not allowed Before the championship, I was not childishly angry. (In secret, we riders fought against those who in the match of applicants merged 19-1)
It was 2013 year. What can I say for all the persecutors of the past, the Ponty shaved off the story. Players of veterans of the national team wishing to play were gone. The question arose who will go? I remember that everything and I think that it was said and confirmed. I'm the oldest on the forum that we collect the time. Whom there it was possible to take. There was nothing to experience in the NC. But everyone was looking at me, and I was ashamed to retreat. I gathered everyone who has tournament experience. We collected 4 times and naturally 4 captains. To protect me from sracha, I proposed my scheme. Each captain leads their fighters and gives them to the assembly. I proposed to postpone the decision on captaincy for 2 weeks. All these 2 weeks the captains played squads against each other. But the condition of these matches was that the captains chose the players one at a time. Belonging to the clan was not taken into account. After 2 weeks, all players had the opportunity to assess their abilities. An open vote of the players took place, And they chose the one with whom they will fight.
We took the 4th place. Although a little was not enough until the 2nd. But a year later, this time everyone was tearing up.
Ask the veterans, bets on us after the group were the highest. Frankly, all 3 matches of the cup stage have passed like this. Our opponents shook their pants, crumpled and waited for the flags. They were rescued from rage only by the fact that <Censored> type of all prosirat. We became champions, another question was that we were banned.

It was actually a prehistory. We will write a story together.
It's not a secret that everyone here knows that the native and the standards. Therefore, I will not darken. I'm called a new team coach.
All that was written about the future tournament before, you can throw off your ears.
I encourage all players actively participating in tournaments to be at the meeting about what was written above. Take with you another 2-3 top players and be there. I never believed alone, but everyone who knows me probably remembered that in the last 5 years only I could organize a serious training process. This will be our common Warband fate. IMMEDIATELY I dismiss all posts from the fact that you are invited to the assembly simply by MEAT. Each of you has acquired a tremendous experience. Yes and Facts are a stubborn thing. We won the championship fight only because there was one guy who was not included in the main lineup
of Wernon, who came out and chopped the Scudinavians into cabbage. Rather, he gave an example, well, the guys picked up.

I bring to the main thing. We invite everyone to the team who can respect others. He knows how to hear and speak. If you pass my training in this tournament, you can safely record yourself as an indispensable mercenary in any type of Europe. All who came to play in the assembly of 13 years old have long been stars. It was there that they learned all the methods of interaction that I taught them.
Now about captains. To be honest, I do not think in the situation when it was the national team to reject all nominations in general. Because all my experience says that it does not matter what name the captain has. The only important thing is that all of his time knows and knows everything. And he knows the capabilities of all players and builds appropriate tactical constructs.

We are waiting for all who want to fight, or rather, all who want to learn how to win.
I do not share optimism about this new clan tournament
At heart I have a heavy and oppressive sense of despair.
There are several reasons for this. Each team since 2010 was formed according to its principles. New is very similar to the formation system for the national team of 2011. Someone probably remembers, but for others I will say, She was the most failed, because of prevailing ambitions over common sense.
Having talked with several already formed support groups, your candidates are convinced of this.
I especially want to highlight the grouping from the Inquisition with their vision of the national team.
I warn all the EU community. The performance of the clan team is endangered by a group of intriguers, trolls and people with a split sense of reality.
This group of veterans from the Inquisition into the open call themselves the most skillful and titled community of the runaway.
On this Sunday they will try to impose their ways and their candidate on the team of 2018 by any means. And with our open conversation with them, they directly threatened other candidates in refusing to register in the tournament, using their connections with administrators and judges in new clan tournament
I will pass to specific names.
The main ideologue of this bandit group is the well-known troll and loser - Sodomard, it was he who was excommunicated from the base of the team last season. Extremely stupid and not smart player, the highest understanding of the skill is the speed of breaking the shield to the enemy.
This he claims that the Inquisition is the most titled clan of the RU Warband.
Do not believe this balabalke.
Everyone knows Mr. Siphon.
It is worth noting its cultural level, before trolling and insults did not fall. But why somebody else's services like to attribute to himself. His greatest success as a captain and organizer was the almost unknown team SB. Although formally he was chosen captain Roux in 2013. But this is not his merit. I was the ideologist of the formation of the national team. I had to prove to everyone that instead of running away from the past, it's better to take real tournament fighters without high regalia, but who can work hard on themselves for the good of the team. Yes, and the training process was conducted on a monthly basis. He already got a trained tim with hardened fighters. Although by the end of the tournament, he was conceited, stopped listening to me and made several rough miscalculations with the composition. Thanks for that I do not demand, I'm offended by the Power.
Mr. Rempica.
Well, this is generally a classic example of overestimation. In the last NC it was he who consciously broke several trainings. In relation to me more than once openly expressed himself in a haughty and mocking tone.
Mr. Alamut. In the past, the NC was unable to break into the main body and tried to make a coup together with Sodomard.
I will also mention the player of Max's characters. I respect him as an extremely useful player. But somehow he was singing with the above-described comrades. And he tries to convince everyone that he is really a connoisseur of the team game and can greatly benefit the community as an expert. Sometimes he claims that he was Captain Veche. Do not believe him either. The guy's pride got high and he forgot whom he owed more, me or the trolleinquist.

People of Goodness! Do not let the trolls at the meeting try to shut up everyone's mouth.
They are masters of this, I would send them to the internship for an internship, believe me, they would have learned a lot from them. Keep calm and self-control. They will do everything to fill the work of the team, but all this for the sake of a personal fan and flawed vanity.
I remember when I was 7, I was a very fat and not proportional boy. Of course, like every normal person, I did not see any physical training. I, like everyone else, thought this was the fate of cattle. But, now not about this. I really loved intellectual games. Especially chess. In this game I could play for hours and it does not matter if I had a rival, or not. And somehow, my father, a deputy gos.dumy, accidentally called and said "We found a place for your son in the city tournament." I was very happy with this news. I have been training hard for a few weeks with my dog ​​Poe. I was in perfect shape. As a reward for my efforts, I reached the finals without playing a single game. Dad told me then, "Son, you deserve it." But then I was sad. My rival was a 6-grade student, with tuyegoznaet what grade. Our watch company started. At first, he did me one defeat, after another. The figure on my board was getting smaller and smaller. At some point, I panicked, was on the brink of having to smash this bespectacled geek with my chessboard. But here, as if enlightenment came to me. It's like Jesus told me, "Guy, you can do it." Come on, do it. "At that moment, I knew what to do. At the 59th minute of the round, when the mate was not delivered to me yet, I cleaved the crook of this skinny lobster of the queen, horse, rook and two elephants from the board with the dexterity of the cat. Then the bell rang. And the guy and sat with an open jaw, while the judge considered the number of syedenyh figures. This was my greatest victory. Then, I drank a brave dressed probably 2. And now, 20 years later, the memory of this victory warms my heart. And when I see this bespectacled loban in my gig, I laugh at his face and let him know who he is to me, this loser.
Olonzo, how would you compare Stalin's and Putin's leadership style? To what extent do you believe Stalin has changed Russia into what it is today?
For some reason, I had a sharp feeling that you, Guacc and your friend Putin, are very thirsty to put your hand to the Country. It seems some kind of maniacal thirst for glory. If the idea was a success, it would be in your plans, in the future, to paint in all topics about the NTS, that the USSR won only thanks to your generous, patriotic idea. Thanks to the fact that you have cemented the Russian spirit of all soldiers into one whole. Naturally, you pushed your idea into the mass of clans that do not play any significant role in the fate of the country, because of the lack of soldiers of the appropriate level. That is, they got support from offended people. No, of course, the offense is not in the degree of conscious hatred of the leaders of the NCA. It's such an unconscious annoyance "that they did not notice me and did not take me to the team". But here you appeared and as though stretching out the divine hand of help to these poor oppressed soldiers. Give them the opportunity to feel part of something more than just a regular soldier. In fact, I suspect that you could not recover from the grudge against your Country and the terrible fact that they were not chosen as leaders of the country. From the fact that your names now do not flash in the topics on the forum.

Hell, I would even lick my lips if I did not know that the leaders of the NCU now rallied the bulk of the USSR to the framework of a friendly company. No, seriously, I see how the guys who once arranged suits wherever they can, go now to battleground and communicate in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. on battlegrounds, I have not seen for a long time sracha on the basis of respublic hatred and racism. The community is now quite quiet and peaceful. And you, by your parasitic activity, again want to destroy everything and destroy everything. No, I'm certainly a pathetic alcoholic I do not understand anything about it, and it's possible that Guacc and the Putin are really such great people as they try to seem. I'm just guessing. After all, if everything is as you described, then the assumptions of some stupid alcoholic can not interfere with your grandiose idea.
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