New sword (yet again!)

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Here it is!  Well it's not like there was lack of swords, but this one is mine! (i'm realy proud of myself) 
(17 files about 220kb each listed below)

Download zip-archive (brf and dds about 170kb)
The path of nube.
After almost 9 month i did it at last! (i'm not a woman, but i guess i understand them now)
The basic model of the sword was ready some time ago (that was a New Year, i think). But i wasn't sure whether i will be able to complete my work. "The texturing" sounded scary (i wasn't even familiar with photoshop). I watched some tutorials, and understood that i didn't understand much. Lost my interest and forgot about it for a while...
Then tried to make another model (this time helmet, guess what? - incomplete so far!) and yet another model (supposed to be some kind of armor, incomplete of course!)...
Then i was busy and then almost sure that it's time to erase wings3d, and better play than try to mod. However  I was reading/watching carefully whatever tutorial i can find. Tried again. Of course the main problem was UV mapping. Fail, fail, fail...
Somehow, after a day or two i have managed to do it step-by-step. Texture was applied. But for some reason game crashed with an error. Thanks to all at taleworlds forum and at, and special thanks to the author of OpenBrf, which showed what was wrong exactly (checking module for errors is awesome feature!) Sword appeared in the game...without a scabbard yet.
I think now you can tell what was my next trouble. Yes, damn scabbard! I mean it was relatively easy to put it in game, but without vertex animation. When i tried to add the last frame everything messed up. After each fail i searched "internets" for a solution. I wasn't first (and definitely will not be the last). After another couple of days i found small point that was left from the dissolved blade and ruined everything when i moved the hilt.
Now everything is fine, and i even made LODs!
Cool story bro...but isn't a single thread a bit too much for a single, small sword model? Also, wrong part of the forums, post it in "The Forge"!
Anyway,  the sword blade needs hard edges.
So you are free to use it in any mod, change texture, model and use any part of the model (just mention me please as an author of the original model).
The sword itself made from the scratch and the scabbard is modified taleworlds model.

Mmm...may be single thread a bit too much. But i don't know where i should put it so people will be able to see. I'll wait for moderators.  :smile:
Well I'll be, so it does. In the future, you could try posting in the 3D Art thread:,20178.msg3408107.html#new

Welcome to modeling.
Thank you.
More to come.


I've just updated download path. New zip-archive contains improved scabbard model - slightly less polygons and slightly better quality (in previous version there was wrong white spot inside the empty scabbard, now removed).
First of all:

Nice Sword. Nice Story.  :grin:
For your first sword it is very very good. Mine didn't look half as good.  :wink:

Here a little question: Where did you get tutorial for making an rigged scabbard?
Everything I managed to do so far are retextures of Native scabbards.

Would be nice to get an own scabbard for this sword I made yesterday:
I simply searched entire forum (and the russian one too) for words "making scabbard" or something like that.

Here's a good example of what i've found:

"You can do it with wings. Export each frame (just the modified model) separately as OBJs and import them to BRFEdit. Look at the time markers on another scabbard as reference. After the first import (base), keep it selected and import each frame, choosing: Replace mesh>Append each time. You only need two OBJs for scabbards."

In the  BRFEdit:
Frame: 0 - Base frame (OBJ1 -model with the visible hilt)
Frame: 1 - Time: 0 (OBJ1 again!)
Frame: 2 - Time: 10 (OBJ2 - model with the hilt downsized and moved inside the scabbard, so it became invisible from the outside, don't delete the hilt! both objects should consist of the same number of polygons!)
Hope it helps.
I always thought those mail chausses, mail boots and leather greaves are too big for women.
So I made some for them (basically reduced original models). And you can download modified file boots_a.brf (added 3 meshes, no other changes):

Here is the pictures:

You can put it in CommonRes and then use mesh to make an item and equip any female troops using ItemEditor and TroopEditor. Or you can import mesh to your own brf and retexture it if you like.


Also I made some outfit however for a Wedding dance only. See here,58995.3600.html
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