New suggestions for M&B

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I was playing M&B last night and it really got to me that when you do a really fast charge into an enemy and do a direct slash on his head - arm, they dont come off with blood squirting out (I know this has already been posted but i got few more ideas to)

Body Dismemberment -----------------

Its really annoying, I want to see how much damage I do to my enemy, not as actually seeing the points, but to actually see what damage iv done to them - pieces of them cut off, bleeding and all that type of stuff, this maybe a game without an age rating but still, it really needs to be done to improve the game a little bit more.

As well, it would be good to see a spear (if a mounted charge) rammed into the enemy soldier and him flying back a little bit (Force of the hit) with the spear in him - no longer on you (But of course its still in your inventory for another battle)

Weapon Sharpening and Durability ----------------

It would be cool to have a durability bar on your weapon - (spear as well) - then every time you look on your inventory the weapon would say (Cracked Scimitar) when durability is low (Blunt Scimitar) when durability is above low (Weakened Scimitar) when durability is medium (Sharp Scimitar) when durability is high, Every hour you spend sharpening your blade increases durability by 10 out of a 100.

Donation - ---------------

Donating to villages and towns should increase Honor and increase relation with that town - village, each donation say 200 denars increases by 0.5% or even 1%

Horse Capturing -----------

When you fight the Khergits or some other horsemen in battle you should beable to take their horses as loot - but while your fighting, when i mean take them, i mean you mount them and keep them and do whatever you want (Sell them, Keep them).

Notoriety - --------------

Each time you decide to capture and ransom a lord, burn down a village, attack a caravan, attack villagers or (Being a rebel) attack random cities - castles, you get notoriety, this makes the good people afraid of you and they also have a low relation with you, however bad guys, bandits - evil lord - kings respect you, they dont mess with you and ask for your help :grin:

Good - Bad -------------

You choose to be good - bad, you get help by good people - chivalrous lords, villagers, and good companions - they help you by fighting along side you, giving you a discount on their fiefs (25% discount on villages - cities buying - selling) depending on your honor rating.

Bad guys get help by corrupt kings, bandits, corrupt lords, but they expect you to pay money to them for help... 200 Denars depending on your notoriety - 50+ notoriety, they aid you without payments, bad guys dont get discounts, instead they go around forcing people to give them money, supplies, pillaging, extorting caravans.

Enslavement ------------

Players should get the chance to pillage villages and enslave some of its populace (15 or less people per village)

Increased Slave Prices ------------

100 Denars - 200 Denars per slave!

Donating Supplies ---------

Donating iron, oil, wheat and all that trade good crap to villages gains you relation and honor :grin: 1% relation per 2 items.

Cooking - ------------

Be able to took beef :grin: turn it into dried meat or make a mixture of foods and increase its quantity +100 per bowl of soup :grin:

More Weapons - ----------

More scimitars, sabers, double handed swords, samurai swords (Khergit version) more bows, cross bows, spears, javelins and so on.

Faster Horses - -------------

44-45 isn't fast enough :grin: 48 is faster!

More armors - -----------

Not ones that look like they been run over by a bus!

Unit upgrade button (Upgrade All) - ------------------------

you click on 1 type of soldier (Khergit Horseman) and click upgrade all (if they have experience) and it upgrades a split of say (50 lancers) and (50 horse archers)

War Cry - --------------------------

Your hero shouts something like  "CHARGE!" and your soldiers gain a slight morale boost - increasing their attack speed, and attack power by a small amount (But you can only do this every 5 minutes - an actual 5 minutes)

Victory Shout - ------------------------

I kinda found it boring hearing my soldiers shout "YEAH!" and all that without me celebrating :razz: so you should have like an automation system that shouts "Yeah!" or "Victory!" every time that thing shows up "Battle has finished press TAB to exit"

Good and Bad shouting - -------------------

When your a bad person, murdering, pillaging evil dude, when you shout charge or hold you say something like "Slaughter those pigs!" or "Stand where you are scum!" or something funny and evil like that

If your a good guy then you say something like "Smite them!" or "Hold your ground!"

War Cry - Victory Shout - Good and Bad Shouting ------------------

what i mean is the Actual voice saying something like that, and for god sake, not a queer voice! :razz:

Oh yes, and as well, thanks alot Game Modders, I dont think we would enjoy this game as much if you guys werent around to make it better! :grin:

Thank you!
All good suggestions, but I do have to contest the "spear attack sending him back and disarming you" part. The force of the spear would be what drives it into him, so there would be little left to push him around. Not to mention that being a spearmen would be irritating if you had to kill a guy then actively pull the spear out of the enemy.

I especially like the idea of chivalry vs. notoriety though. It would make the world feel so much more alive if you see a visible impact you make on it.

I would like to add to the list the ability to customize command groups in the same way as many RTS games. Instead of auto-assigning the number keys to entire divisions of your army like infantry, archers, and cavalry, they should be customizable from the Party screen to be any combination of troops. Instead of simply making a huge mass of archers behind a huge mass of infantry, you could actually organize your army into a much more adaptable fighting force, with fast units on the flanks, or allowing lancers to charge while horse archers harass them from afar, or any number of other tactics.

In addition to the tactical advantages, setting the command groups yourself would make them easier to remember. Personally, I don't use the commands for much more than keeping my lower-level infantry back while my heavy cavalry attack, so when I need to order people around, I forget which numbers are which groups.

Anyway, hopefully this is easy enough to implement, because I'd really love to see it in-game.
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