New skill : Discipline

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( Strenght based ) : Discipline helps you to hold shield up for longer time, recover faster from knockdowns and you can hold bow string for longer time without loosing accuracy.

-You can hold shield up longer for 1.0 second per 1 point of discipline

-You recover faster from knockdowns for 0.1 second per 1 point of discipline

-You can hold your bow string longer without loosing accuracy for 0.5 second per one point of discipline

-Weight of whole equipment you are carrying extend the time you need to recover from knockdown for 0.05 second per 1 kg( /pound or whatever value MaB is using.Honestly, I dont know  :razz: )
This means if you are fully equipped (full plate is around 25, iron greaves around 3, shield 3, weapon 3 , helm 2, gloves 2 = 38 × 0.05 = 1.9 sec! So this means, if we are knockdowned we will need 1.9 sec more to get back on our feet.But dont worry! 10 points of discipline means you will recover 1 second faster.So 1.9- 1.0= 0.9
You would only need 0.9 sec more to recover.

-For ranged, only weight of armor & gloves are decreasing time you can hold your bow string without loosing accuracy. 1 kg means 0.1 second less time before starting to loose accuracy.

Plz comment!  :smile:
For the shield there is shield skill (=S)

for the cnockdowns the discipline doesn't fit. Maybe for ironflesh.

For the bow just develop its skill...
There's no point in creating this skill.

1) You can already hold up your shield for as long as you want until it breaks.
2) People do not bounce up after getting knocked down, and especially not while wearing heavy armor or wielding weapons. When you get hit with a mace or sledgehammer and go down, you're not going to be hopping right back up. It would not make sense.
3) Not only is 0.5 seconds too long, but this effect is already in the game. Increase your bow skill, and you won't lose accuracy so quickly.

An issue with Mount & Blade is getting to be too accurate with your weaponry, but that won't be changed any time soon.
However, if a morale system where troops gradually routed and left the field was implemented into M&B, then it might be useful if it is converted into a party skill which also affects troops and if they rout as commonly.
Shadowcreep said:
There's no point in creating this skill.

1) You can already hold up your shield for as long as you want until it breaks.
2) People do not bounce up after getting knocked down, and especially not while wearing heavy armor or wielding weapons. When you get hit with a mace or sledgehammer and go down, you're not going to be hopping right back up. It would not make sense.
3) Not only is 0.5 seconds too long, but this effect is already in the game. Increase your bow skill, and you won't lose accuracy so quickly.

An issue with Mount & Blade is getting to be too accurate with your weaponry, but that won't be changed any time soon.

Ok, I guess I didnt explain everything(beacuse I though its logical).With implementing skill discipline,ranged profienciency wouldnt increase the time you can hold the string of a bow without loosing accuracy anymore (but it would still raise accuracy in the first place.Difference is only that, if you have low discipline skills, you have to realease string quicklier( not much time to target) without loosing accuracy(just spray & pray  :smile:).With sharp discipline skills, you can take your time to find opponents weak side/spot (or when he lowers his shield etc,..).About that 0.5 seconds is too long.If you heave light equipment, then you have enough time, if you are ranged soldier wearing chainmail and mail chuases, time is reduced based on the weight.This means the time you can hold your biw string without loosing accuracy is shorter.For example : equipment of 20 kg reduces time 20 × 0.1 = for 2 sec .If you have 10 discipline skill (which in most cases you dont have), you have 10 × 0.5 = 5 sec. 5-2 = 3 sec to release arrow before loosing some accuraccy.Is that too long?

About knockdowns if you know the basics of mathematics, you can see that overally the time you are knocked down is longer(than current).The only extreme is, if you have 10 discipline points and you are fghting without armor.This way you can profit a bit (but still not close to bouncing).Also if you are fighting without armor, even one average hit can kill you, so there wouldnt be second chance in most cases.

About holding shield up.Your arm would get weary over time if you are constantly holding shield firmly and up in same position (prepared for blocking) while galloping or running towards enemy.

Besides all those tweaks would make smaller differences between heavy and light armored soldier, heavy or light armored archer and alot bigger difference between discipline soldier and undisiplined.All these differences are positive. Besides, discipline is realistic feature, so its only matter of time before it will get implemented  (in my personal opinion  :grin:)

Venitius : Good idea.Discipline would also make soldiers to retreat later, but that is for Chel to implement  :mrgreen:
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