( Strenght based ) : Discipline helps you to hold shield up for longer time, recover faster from knockdowns and you can hold bow string for longer time without loosing accuracy.
-You can hold shield up longer for 1.0 second per 1 point of discipline
-You recover faster from knockdowns for 0.1 second per 1 point of discipline
-You can hold your bow string longer without loosing accuracy for 0.5 second per one point of discipline
-Weight of whole equipment you are carrying extend the time you need to recover from knockdown for 0.05 second per 1 kg( /pound or whatever value MaB is using.Honestly, I dont know )
This means if you are fully equipped (full plate is around 25, iron greaves around 3, shield 3, weapon 3 , helm 2, gloves 2 = 38 × 0.05 = 1.9 sec! So this means, if we are knockdowned we will need 1.9 sec more to get back on our feet.But dont worry! 10 points of discipline means you will recover 1 second faster.So 1.9- 1.0= 0.9
You would only need 0.9 sec more to recover.
-For ranged, only weight of armor & gloves are decreasing time you can hold your bow string without loosing accuracy. 1 kg means 0.1 second less time before starting to loose accuracy.
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-You can hold shield up longer for 1.0 second per 1 point of discipline
-You recover faster from knockdowns for 0.1 second per 1 point of discipline
-You can hold your bow string longer without loosing accuracy for 0.5 second per one point of discipline
-Weight of whole equipment you are carrying extend the time you need to recover from knockdown for 0.05 second per 1 kg( /pound or whatever value MaB is using.Honestly, I dont know )
This means if you are fully equipped (full plate is around 25, iron greaves around 3, shield 3, weapon 3 , helm 2, gloves 2 = 38 × 0.05 = 1.9 sec! So this means, if we are knockdowned we will need 1.9 sec more to get back on our feet.But dont worry! 10 points of discipline means you will recover 1 second faster.So 1.9- 1.0= 0.9
You would only need 0.9 sec more to recover.
-For ranged, only weight of armor & gloves are decreasing time you can hold your bow string without loosing accuracy. 1 kg means 0.1 second less time before starting to loose accuracy.
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