
Summary: Scenario: The player decides to leave the kingdom he created himself, and let one of the clans he recruited to said kingdom take over as the ruler clan. If the player then changes his banner sigil or color, or joins another faction, the new ruler clan of your old personal kingdom will copy your new clan banner. This makes it so the old kingdom and its ruler will always have a totally identical clan banner to yours.
How to Reproduce: Make a custom kingdom. Abdicate leadership of the kingdom to one of your recruited vassal clans. Leave the kingdom you created. Change your banner. The ruler clan you appointed to succeed your old custom kingdom will now always copycat your personal banner.
Have you used cheats and if so which: No.
Computer Specs: Playstation 5.
How to Reproduce: Make a custom kingdom. Abdicate leadership of the kingdom to one of your recruited vassal clans. Leave the kingdom you created. Change your banner. The ruler clan you appointed to succeed your old custom kingdom will now always copycat your personal banner.
Have you used cheats and if so which: No.
Computer Specs: Playstation 5.