New PF EU Server - Colonial_EU

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Coming within the next week will be a brand new PF server!
We are just waiting for the host as they have some life stuff right now and then itll be up!

Website: (it says inactive but just copy and paste it, weird bug)
Post your clan on here and keep active!

Clans can have five channels of their own on here

Steam Group: (same as the website, just copy and paste it!
Join this group for giveaways and player count announcements!

If you have any questions feel free to ask them on the forums!

Are you sure you want to invest money into buying a server? It would split the community again which can cause the mod to be dead again. It would be smarter to have just one EU and maybe one NA server.
BlackSniper said:
Are you sure you want to invest money into buying a server? It would split the community again which can cause the mod to be dead again. It would be smarter to have just one EU and maybe one NA server.

Whilst I would normally agree, Official EU has proven over the years its been up that its had shoddy admin staff (sometimes), restrictive rules in some cases and a poor selection of scenes as they're not properly tested and created (leading to repeated use of the same scenes). On top of that, the server itself goes up and down more than a cheap hooker, which has personally put me off of creating groups several times.

I doubt the mod will die because of two different EU servers being up, there's no vested personal interest in either server to have a server war that constricts each server's population, a lot of the people (where there are people) who play now just want to play the game on a decent map where they're free to do their own thing and live with the freedom that PF gives over PW. If anything, the mod will die because there's absolutely no indication of a future update or improvement at all, which has been the same since release (I even worked on it for a time).
Ej777 said:
Whilst I would normally agree, Official EU has proven over the years its been up that its had shoddy admin staff (sometimes), restrictive rules in some cases and a poor selection of scenes as they're not properly tested and created (leading to repeated use of the same scenes). On top of that, the server itself goes up and down more than a cheap hooker, which has personally put me off of creating groups several times.

You must be mistaking with other servers as PF Official EU has been revived only two times, with every time being alive for several months.
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