Hi all,
I love this forum, and normaly i check daily, if new mods, tools or interesting topics out there.
But in the last days there was´t enough time to do that and so I become aware of the UNORDER in this forum.
The Resource Thread isn´t up to date, there is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Overwiev about the newest mod´s and their version number, there is no place to check what is available, what is new, what is the newest version and with which version of Mount and Blade is it compatible and so on...
I think this is a real PROBLEM (at least for me).
The amount of new mods and tools is constantly crowing and together with the updates of the already released mods....
.... sometime the daily "news flood" could end in chaos.
how to solve this "problem" (perhaps it isn´t a real problem, rather a matter of comfort or laziness...)?
my suggestions:
Please create a "new Board" (Sorry, I don´t know the english term, what I call a new Board is comparable with the new "Module System Documentation" "Board" from armangan),
a "Board" only for modders (and tool creators), so they have a place only to present their new mods or to inform us about updates. (A mod announcement board...)
!!!!!! .every mod should get his own thread (I would call it "Mod Announcement Thread") Only the Modder or owner of his thread should be able to write in this thread, so there are no discussions over 50 pages or else, only the clean informations provided by the "Thread Owner"
==> In the end we there is a mere discussion mod Board and a mere "mod announcement and information board"
this is my suggestion.
the only way to get clean mod informations is to visit Janus great Mount&Blade Unofficial File Repository site, unfortunately not every modder adds his mod there...
I love this forum, and normaly i check daily, if new mods, tools or interesting topics out there.
But in the last days there was´t enough time to do that and so I become aware of the UNORDER in this forum.
The Resource Thread isn´t up to date, there is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Overwiev about the newest mod´s and their version number, there is no place to check what is available, what is new, what is the newest version and with which version of Mount and Blade is it compatible and so on...
I think this is a real PROBLEM (at least for me).
The amount of new mods and tools is constantly crowing and together with the updates of the already released mods....
.... sometime the daily "news flood" could end in chaos.
how to solve this "problem" (perhaps it isn´t a real problem, rather a matter of comfort or laziness...)?
my suggestions:
Please create a "new Board" (Sorry, I don´t know the english term, what I call a new Board is comparable with the new "Module System Documentation" "Board" from armangan),
a "Board" only for modders (and tool creators), so they have a place only to present their new mods or to inform us about updates. (A mod announcement board...)
!!!!!! .every mod should get his own thread (I would call it "Mod Announcement Thread") Only the Modder or owner of his thread should be able to write in this thread, so there are no discussions over 50 pages or else, only the clean informations provided by the "Thread Owner"
==> In the end we there is a mere discussion mod Board and a mere "mod announcement and information board"
this is my suggestion.
the only way to get clean mod informations is to visit Janus great Mount&Blade Unofficial File Repository site, unfortunately not every modder adds his mod there...