New objects with animation?

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Sorry, i've not been keeping up with the mod developments for M&B and couldn't find anything via search. I was just wondering if the mod tools allow you to add new objects with animation?

If it is possible, how does it work exactly... i mean the way animation is stored in the file(s) and how is it linked to in game actions?

Thanks! :smile:
Nope, no can do. I think somebody's working on a model (official or unofficial) importer that supports animation editing though.
from what I have heard, this will only allow us to use the skeletal system on other meshes. unfortunately this may only mean that we can make new bodies and new horses (or horse like).

I don't think we'll be able to animate our own custom skeletons...
yup. armor replaces the body mesh when you put it on.

So at present, it looks like we'll only be able to make new body types (based on the human size) and new horse like meshes (based on the horse size)

We may not be able to make bigger or smaller meshes, but I'm hoping we can scale the the meshes once the vertex info is set.
Q: Can I edit animated objects?

A: Not yet.

However, Lurb is working on this, and when finished we predict you can edit armour and other animated objects. Currently it seems there will be the limitation that you must bind these to the standard human, or horse skeleton. It seems these skeletons are hard coded, so this limits animation possibilities somewhat.
Although... we do know that many animated meshes including map icons for parties, quivers, hand meshes and more use vertex animation (thanks to Lurbs work on the new brf viewer), meaning you can possibly animate these however you like. We are guessing this means you can have animated towns, and other scenery such as smoke rising from a burning village, flags fluttering from the top of town buildings etc.
It's likely that many of the animations that are called for these vertex animations are still hard coded, but it should still be possible to do some interesting things.
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