New? Issue - Involving multiples of the player...

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I find this incredibly odd - yet - after taking over my first city in my new game I have been walking around to build relations with myself, simply because who wants to be an emo emperor. :/

Well, to my amazement within about 40 yards of the town's center I have found 6 NPCs that look exactly the same as me. (Name/Gear/Character Model)
Even more strange, I have the ability to swear allegiance to myself. And yes, I'm a Monarch, no lawless bandit without a crown for me.

I'm not running ANY other mods than PoP, but have yet to see anyone else post this.
IAreBacon said:
I find this incredibly odd - yet - after taking over my first city in my new game I have been walking around to build relations with myself, simply because who wants to be an emo emperor. :/

Well, to my amazement within about 40 yards of the town's center I have found 6 NPCs that look exactly the same as me. (Name/Gear/Character Model)
Even more strange, I have the ability to swear allegiance to myself. And yes, I'm a Monarch, no lawless bandit without a crown for me.

I'm not running ANY other mods than PoP, but have yet to see anyone else post this.

Please verify that no additional items were added, tweaks implemented and then if you would please,
Send me your saved game.. and tell me exactly where this anomaly is.

Please either post to Rapidshare or send directly to [email protected].

Thank you,

That same bug was present in some other mod... sword of damocles i believe. It was even weirder there. Your clones would roam the map, and you'd get their xp  :lol:
I heard it was a rare Native bug.  usually doing quests for yourself would bug up your game to the point of having to restart...
it's actually a very rare Native bug. Very hilarious, and very game breaking. It's almost like finding a unintentional easter egg that happens to want to maim you and your family.
I know the bug happened with claimants. When they'd win with your help, they'd become a king. If you'd piss that faction off and get into a war, then pay off your debts for making peace again and asking to rejoin, somehow the new king (or queen if Isolla of Suno) would be transferred to your group as a clone.
same here, could be fun to see the clones. (So the cloners from kamino in starwars have settled down in m&b, lolzors  :lol: )
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