New Ideas and Questions

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After messing around with 3ds max 8 while I had the chance (it was the trial version) and familiarizing myself with wings 3d, im fairly certain I can create some decent models, but i do have a few questions.

1. My first is, if you make a new armor model that goes all the way down the arms (like the black armor), will it animate correctly, or do i have to edit an existing mesh?

2. Lets say i accompany my armor with pants that are slightly "loose fitting", if I model new greaves, will there be clipping, and if so, will i have to make sure the area where the greaves are is less than the greaves? (same goes for gauntlets)

3. If I take the time to make every chain in the chain mail showing in my armor, would it animate correctly since its no longer a texture but 3d, and if not, could i limit the 3d chainmail to non animated areas of the body (chest or so)? (since there is no bump mapping)

4. Would it be possible to program a constant block for my backside, like if I modelled a shield strapped to my back, and still be able to swing a sword?

5. Does armor go directly over body meshes, so if i didnt make armor that went all they way down the arm, would the arm be bear skin?

6. If #4 is possible, would i still be able to block from my frontside, like with a two handed sword?
1) You can't put in new armour, only copy it and retexture it. If you do they turn up transparant ingame.

2) If you import a model from the game into your model editing program, you get the excact coordinates of where the model should be, and there won't be any clipping because the model moves along with the arm/leg etc. (if you make it broad enough and put it right, that is)

3) Same as 1, you cant put body armour in the game, untill the official model importer. But it would animate correctly I think, and if you want to limit it you had to model it so that only the none twisting parts of the body would have 3d chainmail(sick), and the rest a texture.

4) Sorry don't hava a clue, maybe in the future, but not now I think..

5) No, it stays as large as it is, and you don't have to make it all the way down the arms, you could just do a tshirt. But again, we have to put animations to the new model parts then, and we can't just yet.

6)Yes you would, if 4 is possible.

edit: Say hello to a knight :cool:
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