New horsebreeds

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Grandmaster Knight
I just heard about shire horses, which are basically an enormous breed of horses that can grow up to be 2 meters tall and strong as hell.

This has been mentioned, but separate armor for horses. It simply makes sense. I think.

On a sidenote, why are the chargers green? It might just be my graphics card, but they are a very dark green.
They shouldn't be green, they should be a dark roan (similar but darker then hunters, if I remember right)
I already changed that from 0 to 1 and I still see green chargers. I'm using Nvidia GeForce 4 MMX 440.
Wow, and here i was thinking they were supposed to be green. :lol: Radeon 9800 pro for me. Now ya know what would be cool. A horse breeding mini-game!!!!! Kind of like breeding chocobo's in FF7. I, and everyone else that played that game spend hours upon hours breeing those things and having tons of fun with it (at least everyone i talked too). Me wants a gold chocobo! errr...i mean horsie...
What a bout the ability to purchase a horse at a stable, the horse could level up as a result of the battles it takes place in and could have armour purchased for it so that you could customise your mount.
I think that it would make for a stronger bond between the rider and mount. Maybe im just an old softy!
I'd like to see horse breeding.........well, not ACTUALLY see it.

Buy two horses, breed them, and you might get a better one with the parents characteristics. But you might also get a bad one.

Have a slow horse with good charge? Breed it with a faster one and you might get one thats faster.

Maybe you want the fastest horse ever....then you'll only breed the ones with the fastest stats. Of course, If you keep breeding only the same genetic code, you end up getting no diversity, which equals stagnation. So you'll need to travel the world looking for a better diversity in the genetic makeup.

It'd kinda give the higher level characters something extra to spend money on :smile:
horse breeding would definitely add to the depth of the game, and after all, the game is focused on horses, so why not make it even more important.
I think the shirehorses would be good, because they are ENORMOUS. Just google up some pics and you'll see.
Wait a minute, which of the horses in M&B exist in real life?
sumpter horse?
saddle horse?
steppe horse?
(maybe i missed some)

And I think the charger is good enough as best horse in the game.
Kniggit said:
Me wants a gold chocobo! errr...i mean horsie...

YEA RIGHT. you know how much one of those thing would wiegh?!?!, of wait, golded haired horsie, never mind.... :oops: i thought you meant solid gold horses........ :oops: :oops: :oops:

Good for charging, really. And when you are short of a few gold, chop off it's tail.
Wait a minute, which of the horses in M&B exist in real life?

Well, those are not so much breeds as classes of horses. A sumpter was a salesman or merchant, and needed a decent cheap horse to carry stuff with. Steppe horses are generally smaller breeds, manuverable and fast. Hunters would be good sized and strong. Chargers and warhorses would obviosly be big, strong, and somewhat fierce and disciplined breeds.

And those shire horses are freakin huge, would be cool to see someone model them for this game.
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