New Horse: Runner!

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It is a re-color of the corsair.


Base Cost: 16,832
Riding Requirement: 4
Armor: 6
Speed: 14
Manuver: 14
Charge: 35

This guy can out run anything and plow through crowds, so long as he doesn't get hit in the process. An excellent horse for horse archers, while other uses would have to be done very carefully because of the horse's low armor.

I have a problem though, I can't make this a new horse on its own, I have to replace another horse texture. (Which I don't want to do.) Can someone help me out with this? I'm running the Hugemod/Mag7 mod, so it would be preferable if it worked with that...
The horse is very nicely done.

I don't think you can add a new horse until we've got a mod tool. maybe 'unofficial mod tool' would help you to add this horse?
Anyways you should ask to HugeMod and Mag7 developers, cause they managed to create new stuff and factions without replace too many things; so there is to be a way to do it without replacing a horse. But it´s a nice texture so I wouldnt care if you replaced the stumpter or saddle ones, since they are almost useless and the enemies mounted on them are also useless: I think a 6-Speed-horse-mounted Dark Night is a spoiled Dark Night.

Also, dont you think a 35 Charge horse is too much for a "runner" horse? see the hunter as example, it has half that amount. A heavy one of those would have a 38 Charge ability and 13 Speed (that´s a tank :twisted: ).
Nice job you should hire a jockey and send it into the next local race ! :grin:

Although the stats seem abit unrealistic, such a fast horse would never have the same mass like a warhorse so the charge is definetly to high.

Also such a horse would have a minimal armor rating, and it should be impossible to ride it with platemail due to its weight. Would be nice to make a little more difference in that if that will be possible.
I like it alot and would use it in mag-7 for sure if you had noo8 put it into hugemod for you. At the moment though the new version will render mag-7 inoperative for a bit.

I was looking for someone to do a nice, non-supernatural, light black horse. Good work.
Ah ok, I'll just wait for the .700 version then. :smile:

Actually the stats I had for it originally were:


Base Cost: 16,832
Riding Requirement: 4
Armor: 2
Speed: 14
Manuver: 14
Charge: 10

But with those stats the horse is basically dead unless you stay moving and stay completely away from everyone. It was pretty much a useless horse for everyone but horse archers, and even then a javelin or a couple of arrows would take it down as soon as you stopped to fire.

I had to ramp up the armor a little bit to the corair's level so it could take a couple of projectile hits, and then crank up the charge so that you could actually go near crowds. I was figuring the higher charge (Though yes, 35 is a bit too extreme I admit. 20 or 25 would be better.) would be relatively realistic because of the increased inertia of the much faster horse rather than the mass. Even with these stats you can't go near anyone with polearms or long-reach weapons because of the low armor, you have to hit and run on stragglers. With the lower charge it was a bit unrealistic because you would be running at breakneck speed and then come to a complete stop when you ran into a couple of guys, then after only a couple of hits you and your horse would be dead on the ground.

Thanks for the compliments! I was thinking of doing alternate colorations of all the horses, so that each type would have: white, grey, black, red, light brown, dark brown, and maybe even a few mixes. Then you'd have to ID each horse based on the equipment and abilites it has, rather than the color.
Captain_Brian said:
But with those stats the horse is basically dead unless you stay moving and stay completely away from everyone. It was pretty much a useless horse for everyone but horse archers, and even then a javelin or a couple of arrows would take it down as soon as you stopped to fire.

If you were a true "horse archer" you can hit dead center in the crosshair while at a full run, you only need a high horse archery skill, and high archery wep. skill I can do that on a spirited hunter no prob.
Ancientwanker said:
I was looking for someone to do a nice, non-supernatural, light black horse.

Since when does a unarmored light horse do more charge damage then a fully armored warhorse? It seems a little on the "supernatural"side to me.

35 charge damage is a weapon in itself , you dont need a lance when your horse just knocks the hell out of anything in its way.
He already said he'd lower it.
Personally, I'd favor a ten or twelve charge, maybe fifteen, so that he can give an enemy or two a glancing blow and be on his merry way.
Cool skin btw. :wink:
i hope you change his status to
armor 36

speed 14

moneuver 16

charge 40

cause i always get my horse criplled i remember wasting all my money on a spirited charger only to be be attacked by a war party while i had no army and i was using the huge battles mod
I hope you change his stats to:

armor 33

speed 33 (or higher, there wont be much diff...)

maneuvreur 33

charge 33

if you decide to dont :evil: , ill just change it myself...mwahehaehaehaehaheahaheahaaaaa :twisted: :twisted:
after about 25 theres like no difference in speed... and oh...i do like a challange...i make ALL horses real good, so my opponents fights so much better if youre horse reacts within 5 secs...
Yeah, I suppose, I doubled all my enemies stats using the unoffical editor today. Makes it so much better, and you get more xp :grin:
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