It's a bit off of the actual templar theme, hense it is a theme and not a reproduction.yehrom said:hum... sorry but,
untill the black font, and don't see any "hospitaler" theme.. Oô
White cross on red ecu is the "Savoie" theme, so.
(an independant french region)
Good suggestion.Ubberdorc said:I think it looks good BUT I like a more simple/plain cross.
Overdoing the detail sometimes takes away from the effect/mood, I thiink.
Perhaps I am wrong.yehrom said:For having grow up in Savoie,
I m really "Surprised" seeing this choice by modern hospitalier order.
But about the render him-self,
his quality his nice, yes.
Untill a "shift", it sounds to me too much like Renaissance design,
too "complex".
More "gross" sign would be better in my mind.
Grant me a little "pride pick"...)
Savoy had a most keeping his autonomie,
under Piemond, as under French, or other reign...since a lot of centuries
I tried the cross in white, looked HORRIBLE. If you mean the color, well, I chose black because it's not done oftenUbberdorc said:i would likeit better in red or white but it is very good!