
It was caused by my Logitech g9x mouse.
My system, new I7 macbook pro with geforce gt330m, bootcamp to xp, G15 logitech keyboard. Running external monitor with laptop display disabled.
Now for the details. My problem was really bad screen stutter whenever the character mouse looked. This occurred on foot, or horseback. There was only a small change in severity when going from minimum to maximum graphics settings.
This was not two other causes mentioned in threads
- Some seem to have had a memory leak. That is not my case, as it happed at the very first battle loaded. It does not abate as battle progress's and textures load
- Some get lag on weapon impact sounds. Again, not in my case, as it happens even while no combat is in progress.
Connecting 2 usb mice simultaneously, the old dell usb mouse works fine, the g9x cased major screen stutter. Turning down the g9x dpi via mouse buttons did no resolve the problem. So far, I have not attempted to resolve the problem via the logitech cpanel settings. I did try killing all the obvious LCD process's associated with the keyboard. No impact.
Other fix's I attempted with no result.
- turn off blood
- run someone else's minimal rgl_config.txt (from one of the similar threads, no ragdolls etc)
- use dx7
- pixel shaders on/off
- force vert syc on/off
- load textures on demand on/off
- downgrade max framerate to 60
- all minimum gfx settings
- disconnecting external monitor and running on laptop monitor
- disable sound
- force single threading
My system, new I7 macbook pro with geforce gt330m, bootcamp to xp, G15 logitech keyboard. Running external monitor with laptop display disabled.
Now for the details. My problem was really bad screen stutter whenever the character mouse looked. This occurred on foot, or horseback. There was only a small change in severity when going from minimum to maximum graphics settings.
This was not two other causes mentioned in threads
- Some seem to have had a memory leak. That is not my case, as it happed at the very first battle loaded. It does not abate as battle progress's and textures load
- Some get lag on weapon impact sounds. Again, not in my case, as it happens even while no combat is in progress.
Connecting 2 usb mice simultaneously, the old dell usb mouse works fine, the g9x cased major screen stutter. Turning down the g9x dpi via mouse buttons did no resolve the problem. So far, I have not attempted to resolve the problem via the logitech cpanel settings. I did try killing all the obvious LCD process's associated with the keyboard. No impact.
Other fix's I attempted with no result.
- turn off blood
- run someone else's minimal rgl_config.txt (from one of the similar threads, no ragdolls etc)
- use dx7
- pixel shaders on/off
- force vert syc on/off
- load textures on demand on/off
- downgrade max framerate to 60
- all minimum gfx settings
- disconnecting external monitor and running on laptop monitor
- disable sound
- force single threading