new creatures

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is it possible to make new creatures(ex. centaurs and dragons) that don't really resemble humans or horses? Does anyone have a link to a similar post?
At the moment, no. The current version of BRFedit can't edit skeletons, so whatever you make has to be either vaguely humanoid or horse-shaped.
Here's a few examples of things that can be done with mounts, but keep in mind these still use the horse skeleton.
Click the thumbnails to see the full-size pic.

A tiger.

A fantasy-style hound.

A giant lizard.

A wild boar.

A Chocobo (from the Final Fantasy games).... The Chocobo seems to be nothing like a horse, but it is in fact using
the front half of the horse skeleton.

Hey Keedo are all those mounts in your mod right now? They look wicked especially the Komodo dragon thing it looks really good.
Yeah. Except for the Boar (which is part of the hunting feature of the Age Of Machinery's not meant as a mount, but is tall enough to be used as one), they are all from Fantasy Mod. I used the autorigging tool to make them (mostly) compatible with the latest version of M&B. There's a slight problem with the the lizard's belly that looks weird when they are running but it's only really noticeable closeup. And the tiger has a problem with its tail that is only really noticeable when it is running. There was also a rhino, but the autorigging tool wouldn't fix it correctly so I used the rhino's texture (which is identical to the lizard's texture except for the color) to make a gray lizard as well.
I did a few a while back for AoA, such as a 3 wheeler and a 2 legged lizard (used the front half like the chocobo).

Now with the skeleton thing, how do you get it into the BRF editor?
just a question.

if we could edit skeletons and animations with the old BrfEditor... why can't we do it with the current one.
Does anyone have the older version of the BRF editor?  Can that still be used for just the skeletons?
jik said:
Does anyone have the older version of the BRF editor?  Can that still be used for just the skeletons?
I don't have any, and though about that concept, but an older BRF file isn't compatible with 1.x, so you have to basically re-import or at least re-save the BRF to update the format which would mess up the skeletons...  I think there was also a different number of bones, but that probably isn't as big a deal.  If you look at
the release history of BRFEdit it sounds like most of the work on skeletons was in the 0.7.x-0.8.x range, so I don't think its likely we'll see this supported anytime soon...,8771.0.html
He mentions backwards compatibility in the description of the v0.895 download.  Does that mean you could use an old version of brf to make a new skeleton and then load it into v0.895?  I'm probably grasping but it would be nice.
I don't think so, older 0.8.x versions of BRFEdit didn't support them either

version 0.8.5 said "0.950 skeletons and animations are not yet supported"
version 0.8.0 said "Added support for loading the 0.80x skeleton and skeleton_anim format, BUT DO NOT TRY TO SAVE THEM YET, M&B will not be able to load them."
Thats a shame.  Is there any word that Thorgrim is actually working on the next version?  Its been a while since .895 came out.
Can the game scale the skeleton and meshes(kind of like in oblivion or morrowind) so the there could be halflings or giants?
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