Native OSP Scenes New base scenes (aka Giant Arena Mod!)

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Of interest to modders only, the Giant Arena Mod part is, well, a bit of a joke (it's not really a mod). This is really more of a concept demonstration showing that yes, it is possible to create new functional scenes including new collision meshes (and hence also easy to make new placeables for placing in scenes). Of course, these examples are rather trivial, but hey... :smile: I think at least Deus Ex will be happy with this, as he asked for a scene of a large flat plain a while back.

Get the BRFs here (includes fully functional floor collision meshes):

To install: Place the BRFs in your Module's Resource folder.

E.g. Modules/Native/Resource

Edit Modules/Native/module_info.txt to include these lines:
load_module_resource = big_floor
load_module_resource = big_grass_ground
load_module_resource = bo_big_floor

Using either the unofficial editor or the python scripts, include these scenes wherever you wish. For example, I made the following changes:

  ("zendar_arena",0,"big_grass_ground", "bo_big_floor", (-100,-100),(100,100),-100,"0", [],[]),


  ("zendar_merchant",sf_indoors,"big_floor", "bo_big_floor", (-100,-100),(100,100),-100,"0", ["zendar_center"],[]),

Fire up M&B, enter the scenes (e.g. by talking to the arenamaster) and enjoy!


Prescan? Is that you waaaaay over there? Can I buy something, please? What, you can't hear me?


In the far distance, two riders ride off into the smoky haze, while one heads straight towards me, intent on spearing my head.
O-ho! Well done, fisheye, well done! I'm fairly certain I'll be able to make use of this in Storymod sometime in the future. And new indoor meshes! We'll be able to make proper castle interiors, and therefore I can code infiltrations, sieges that extend indoors, everything...

Excuse me, I need to leave this thread now, I'm salivating too much.

bloody awesome!

I took a look at the files and for the bo_big_ground mesh does that always have to be in its own .brf or can we store all of our collision meshes in teh same .brf there a certain material we need to set the collision meshes to have?
Yoshiboy, I gotta thank you for that tutorial, most of my time was spent learning how to model and texture a large, flat cube (yeah I had 0% modelling knowledge before this). You tutorial and links made it much easier. I guess you are waiting for the new Lurb's editor before you update it? I hate to think how many people are modifying existing dds files. Thanks Janus for the Arena source otherwise I'd not have known how to use load_module_resource either.

Yoshiboy said:
for the bo_big_ground mesh does that always have to be in its own .brf or can we store all of our collision meshes in teh same .brf

BRFs are just random collections of resources followed by a termination marker. So, yeah, you can just dump any resource in any brf file as long as it is specified in module_info.txt. I prefer to keep each resource in a separate file though, so that piecewise editing is easier. For example, I found out the hard way that Lurb's (old) brf importer totally deletes any collision mesh that is in the brf that you're editing. So, yeah, I think you should keep them separate, makes things easier; but on the other hand you don't have to. You could cram all your resources (skeletons, meshes, collision meshes, materials, everything) into one file if you wanted to.

Yoshiboy said: there a certain material we need to set the collision meshes to have?

Collision meshes don't use materials. The format is a little different from a regular mesh, so you can't just import it. I'll post some documentation later to explain the BRF format to those who are interested.

I'm holding off from tutorials for the moment, since apparently Lurb was ill and might be able to continue his work on the new importer when he gets better. No sense teaching people how to do things the hard way when the easy way is coming soon, yes?
I'm going to make a few more big empty rooms as base scenes for modders who want some quick backdrops to dump placeables in. Any requests (dimensions, wall textures)?
WOOT - thanks Fisheye!!

I am heading out of town for the day - can't wait to get back and look at what you did (and how) and start using the new tools.


Thanks again!!

ok, i think i can more or less work it from silly of all us modders...collision meshes can just be any mesh in any .brf

For objects they are defined in the scene_objects.txt in the mount and blade data folder, lets hope that becomes modular next release and we can all make out own objects no problem :smile:

with all this all that remains is animation support!
Yoshiboy said:
For objects they are defined in the scene_objects.txt in the mount and blade data folder, lets hope that becomes modular next release and we can all make out own objects no problem :smile:

Yeah, I wish *everything* in the Data folder was modular. I don't care if there are python scripts to generate them, just as long as they're in the Modules folder like the other modular text files!

Should we post some feedback to the developers about this, or do you think it's obvious to them already? I mean, it would be so simple to implement, just a change of directory location for those files.
Well, Armagan has stated a while back that he plans to make most of the other files modular (Data, Music, Sounds), but we don't know when that will be.
Might be the next version, might not.
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