A couple of years ago I tried a run of Gekokujo but eventually ran out steam mostly due to the fact that I started out in the middle of Japan and even after I had 10 cities I always had dogs nipping on my toes from both sides which only grew as my faction did. This time I almost made the same mistake as Asakura invited me to vassal and I needed reknown so for a while that is what I did, got my first castle and such but that idiot leader declared two wars each time he made peace all my enterprises were on hold making it too expensive to stay with him so I emptied my castle and turn gave up vassalship eventually after a long long time, I was able to jump on a recently defeated city Niigita by a small-ish faction. My destiny had arrived at last, it took me literally forever to clear out the Nanbu, which I had solely intended to push towards, but every other dam faction in the area wanted me to take it's territory in advance while Nanbu just did not want to die. Anways it's now mine, 30% of Japan unified at one end and all I have to do is keep pushing in one direction!
I figured my situation is so enviousness to anyone who plays this mod that I just have to share.
I figured my situation is so enviousness to anyone who plays this mod that I just have to share.

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