Neverwinter Nights

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i like Nwn. haven't played it multiplayer though.

about singleplayer second expansion sucks. i made a sorcerer+fighter = red dragon diciple (you know +naturel armours + str and con ) and used +8 great axe game became easier than diablo2.
I never play multiplayer. I never play with anyone. I'm scared of people being better then me.

Which makes one wonder why I chose to sign up on a forum...
Fluffy The Hamster said:
I never play multiplayer. I never play with anyone. I'm scared of people being better then me.

See, I KNOW people are better than me, atleest with RTS games. RPG is a different matter. Well, sort of.
I play NWN (occasionally attempting the OC campaign, sometimes SoU and also HotU [which, BTW, REALLY wasn't designed to be MP'ed and is buggy as hell if you try it]) and a few mods such as Ascension or Amulet of Zeran, and occasionally playing mods made by friends, but I only play with my friends and not on any particular server. We play for fun, mainly, not for seriousness.
although d&d rules have good spell system, they suck at combat. mostly because of armour thing.
yes. this one main thing i hate in d&d.
also wearing heavy armour must make you easy to be hit but hart to be hurt as you cant move quickly and escape attacks easly in chain and plates. and shield is not an armour it's no to be added to total armour class.
i always add shield bonus to defence not armour.

i mean how i play frp is:

1 you wear armour = +armour rating -defence rating -move
2 you wear helm = +head armour +reduce change to get critical hit -sight
3 you have shield = +defence rating (-attack rating&move if its heavy or tower shield)
4 you have defence skill = +defence rating
The first few chapters of NWN are extremely easy with a monk. I got to level 20 and my damage reduction made it so the gold, green, red, and blue dragons in one of the chapters did no damage, except with spells.
I only ever play it with a buddie of mine. I can't play RPG's that have multiplayer by myself. And I hate playing with people I don't know because they are all guaranteed to be douchebags. But yea, I usually play a monk/assassin or a fighter/weapon master.

EDIT: somebody quoted me and I realized I typed stupidly. Thanks for pointing that out and quoting it for everyone to see. [/joking in case you didn't notice]
In all Fantasy RPG's i'm either a female elven ranger.....Or a female elven ranger. Theres an exception here in TRPG (Tribes: RPG), where the only playable race is human.

And the exception of Dungeon Siege 1, for the same reason.
Fluffy The Hamster said:
In all Fantasy RPG's i'm either a female elven ranger.....Or a female elven ranger. Theres an exception here in TRPG (Tribes: RPG), where the only playable race is human.

And the exception of Dungeon Siege 1, for the same reason.

Same here, my character in NWN is a female elven ranger. Come to think of it, my character in M&B is a female hunter... :razz:
I never tried it online because by then I was tired of playing the online games like Ultima and Dark Age of Camelot and Everquest. I don't think I like multiplayer for the same reasons that others have.
Rando said:
And I hate playing with I don't know because they are all guaranteed to be douchebags.

Same here, but I think it's like that for any game. Any time you have to play with the unwashed masses, you get the most incompetent, ignorant of the bunch.

I think it's Murphy's Law.
O I know. I started playing Guild Wars recently and people just follow me around town screaming things at me. I hate people.
I tried a mission 15 times just because each time there was a noob on the party (existing of only 8 people) who ruined it. *sigh* In the end I didn't finish it and gave up.
I just picked up the Neverwinter Nights Diamond DVD for twenty one dollars, it has the original game and both expansion packs on one disk. It also contains the first two premium modules and you can play them without an internet connection, the only bad part is that you need to do get a critical error patch before you try playing. I tried to auto-update and got a message telling me to get the patch from their website ( and that fixed it,it has an auto-installer so it is easy enough. You no longer need to keep a disc in the drive after you update to v1.66 or 1.67 which is also nice. The latest premium mod is a huge Undermountain random dungeon generator that scales to all character levels like a D&D Diablo so I bought that too and I'm looking forward to playing it, but the recommended starting level for solo play is five, so I decided to start with the Aribeth game first since I haven't played it in a long time. This isn't just an advertisement, if anyone has tried "Infinite Dungeons" I'd like to know what you think about it. Ok I guess it is just an ad because I'm happy about NWN again.<edit> Well I just had to try it so I started up a brand new human barbarian, refused to artificially level him up to level five and I'm having a lot of fun.
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