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have you played neopets, if not play it not, make a user here, totaly free
Well, I guess he gain something if many people go visit the site thanks to him :
When you enter the site, it's written You were referred by magicfrede!
I already have some, but since I was expecting it to be some sort of Dungeon Keeper clone with the ability to smack your neopets into the last century, and not some cutesy vomit-inducing kiddie rubbish, I soon found myself sorely disappointed.

In hindsight, the name should have been a dead giveaway.

I'm also saddened that my neopets cannot die. They have been "starving" FOREVER. They need to be put out of their misery, but this "game" raises such an unrealistic image of real life in children that your pets cannot even die.
Yeah.. i used to play neopets about 2 years ago some funny games there lol. And he gets more and more prizes for each recruit he recruits.
Back in primary school, we brought our server to its knees with that site. Say, 10 Computers by about 30 classrooms, by about 10000000 purdy pictures of fwuzzy animals. Chugs bandwidth like a uni student on $1 Beer night.
Oggy said:
Back in primary school, we brought our server to its knees with that site. Say, 10 Computers by about 30 classrooms, by about 10000000 purdy pictures of fwuzzy animals. Chugs bandwidth like a uni student on $1 Beer night.


From 6th to 8th grade neopets and runescape consumed my life.
Oh, I forgot all about rune! Sadly enough, some of my friends are still caught up in that pixel nightmare. They really need to get laid...
I wish Runescape had a mouth so I could piss in it. I played that maybe in fourth and fifth grade, by the time I got to junior high I hated its guts, and everyone who didn't.
I liked RuneScape, I got bored of it yes, and unfortunately I got bored jsut as RuneScape 2 came out in full version, I wish I had a 100+ level charactor with membership so I could explore and check out all the new stuff. Oh well.
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