Need translation of video, please

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Hi. Any Dutch people around?  :smile:

I'd like to know what the narrator says in this short video, please:

It's about Dorestad - the famous trading city in the early Middle Ages.
Does he say anything about the building material being used, or layout of the town/houses?
Think he says "lange damme" and "fletwaerk", and "pakhause".

Thank you  :smile:
Raven (Gothia) said:
He says there were long dams made of wood and braidwork, and that those dams were created to create more space, and to bypass the marshy shores so the ships could moor in deeper water. On these dams there were warehouses, houses and workplaces. Also he says something about buildings that were built on regular plots, by traders and craftsmen. Also he says that there were some farms spread on the land behind those buildings.

I hope this helps you, if it doesnt, let me know why.  :wink:
Great. Thank you. The Dutch truly know how to inhabit their marshy landscapes.
Long piers to avoid a marshy shore, creating one large harbour. Fascinating.

Watly said:
Add me on steam and we can do a step by step translation if you want.

(Just look for watly and you will find me)
Thank you, but I have my answer now.
Uhtred Dunkerch said:
can someone translate what is said in this video for me please?

He's a traveller from the distant land of Zakkemakke where it's customary to keep your legitimation up your anus.
To enter one's car is a grave insult over there, and many have died trying.
Captured Joe said:
What about this one?

He says he wants to bowl but his friends don't want to, poor guy.

Adorno, this video is one where farmers explain how they work in these regions in english.

Captured Joe said:
What about this one?

"En we hadden het personeels uitje als volgt bedacht:"
[pointing finger]"We drinken eerst koffie bij het koffie huis, dat is hier"
[hitlerface closeup]"En dan huren we een fiets bij het bikerrental"
[pointing finger again]"En dan fietsen we derna met zijn allen naar de dierentuin"
[hitler making peace signs]"Nee we gaan niet naar de dierentuin, ik wil bowlen. We gaan bowlen"
[nervous akward looks]"Ja maar euhm. Kweet't niet"
[bold guy answers]"We zijn vorig jaar ook al geweest gaan bowlen. We willen eens wat anders"
[hitler outrages]"Ik wil bowlen. We gaan godverdomme bowlen"
[smartass answers]"Ja maar in de dierentuin is er gisteren wel een jong zeeleeuwtje geboren"
[hitler replies]"Ik heb een scheit hekel aan zeeleeuwen! Kut beesten"
[smartass]"Dat is helemaal niet waar, zeeleeuwen zijn wijs leuk"
[hitler]"Ik ga nog liever naar *(dierotom?) dan naar die kut dierentuin, of naar *(trivy?)"
"Nauw dan gaan we toch naar *(trivy?)"
[background fuss]
"Het is best leuk daar hoor"
[background reply]"Neej der is daar geen zak aan! We zijn daar heel vaak geweest dus"
[hitler]"En minigolf, vinden jullie dat leuk?"
[everyone leaves the room]

"So this is what the thought of doing with the staff:"
[pointing finger]"First we drink som coffee at the coffeehous(dutch thing), which is located here"
[hitlerface closeup]"And then we hire bikes at the bike rental"
[pointing finger again]"And then we all bike towards the zoo"
[hitler making peace signs]"No we're not going to the zoo. I wanna bowl. We're gonna bowl"
[nervous akward looks]"Yes but uh... I dunno"
[bold guy answers]"We've been bowling last year as well. We want something different"
[hitler outrages]"I wanna bowl. We're gonna bowl goddamnit"
[smartass answers]"Yea but yesterday a new young sealion was born"
[hitler replies]"I absolutely detest sealions! Flippin animals"
[smartass]"That's not true at all, sealions are really fun"
[hitler]"I'd rather go to *(dierotom?) then to that flippin zoo, or to *(trivy?)"
"Well then we can go to *(trivy?)"
[background fuss]
"It's a quite alright place you know"
[background reply]"No it absolutely sucks! We've been there a lot times anyway"
[hitler]"And minigolf, how about that?"
[everyone leaves the room]

Hope this helps my friend :smile:
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