Need some way to exterminate Sea Raiders

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I would like to suggest that you be given more quests by people like Constable Hareck to destroy groups of bandits. After you have hammered the river pirates the other bandits become annoying to say the least, so perhaps the Lord of any town could charge you with destroying the Black Kerghit Raiders, for instance. This would be handy. Also, please make it so that caravans can OCCASIONALLY beat Dark Knights so I can cane the caravans and incorporate any captive Dark Knights into my army. Same goes for Khergit Raiders
I don't think it's very logical that Sea Raiders spawn all the time.. It would be more fun if there were raiding parties arriving on the coast randomly. Maybe every week or roughly that often, on average, there would suddenly be a lot of Sea Raiders parties spawning at the coast and travelling inland, looking for trouble.. :smile: after one or a couple successful battles, they'd move back towards the coast and despawn there, ie sailing back home with the spoils of war.

This way you could have merchants start talking about sea raiders being spotted near Zendar again, and you'd get a quest from the local count there to exterminate them. Could be a repateable quest that would appear from time to time, might be fun.
Exactly. Also, black knights tick me off cos they're invincible to everyone but me, which means I can't get them in my army by nicking them from Swadian prisoner trains.
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