Need help with Magnificent Seven agh!

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In the readme the installation says:


Hugemod v1 is required so download and install it FIRST.
After you install hugemod v1 put my version of into your texture folder and overwrite the old one (make a copy of the original and put it elsewhere if you want).
Pick which version you want to play (knight, berserker or steppe raider). No real diff in play, just face/skils/gear/name for the npcs.
Make backups of all 5 files or just backup your entire mods/native folder under a different name.
troops.txt, conversation.txt, triggers.txt, party_templates.txt, item_kinds1.txt and quests.txt ALL go into Mount@Blade/Mods/Native
Start a new game (or continue a previous magnificent seven save).

I put the from the hugemod thing I downloaded into my Mount & Blade textures folder, but there was no, just so nothing had to overwrite. Also I could find the: troops.txt, conversation.txt, triggers.txt, party_templates.txt, item_kinds1.txt and quests.txt in the hugemod folder, just the :sad:

I have bad luck with these kind of things, so if you could help me that would be great. It might be a bit hard, but if you are up to it, my AIM is ToMuchPopulation so IM chatting might be easier than forums. Thanks in advance :razz:
You just install hugemod

then for mag-7:

put into your textures folder
put all 5 files from either berserker/steppe/knights into your mods/native folder.


If you have any other questions about playing or whatnot, just ask in the mag-7 thread so we dont clutter up the board.
Ok so I put the costumes7 file and replaced the one I had in my textures folder, then put the berserker files inside my native folder and overwrited those. I start the game, but I see nothing different. Im not able to choose berserker class among squire/hunter/priest/merchant, and I dont think anything changed :sad:

Is there supposed to be anything different when making a character or starting the game? Sorry for troubling you :sad:

Also, Hugemod isnt working I dont think. I download it and open it, but it opens up to C:grin:ocuments and Settings<name> and then I click home/thanatos/programs/hugemod/mount&blade/commonres, data, mods, or textures from the mount&blade folder. I'm not sure how I "install" this if there is no "install" file :sad: Maybe if I can get hugemod working I can get the M7 mod working too :razz:

Ok, so I tried making a back up file then started messing around. I put all the stuff from M7 folder into the texture and then into the native for berserker class and it didnt work when I ran it, so I started messing around with Hugemod. I put the files from the Hugemod commonres, data, mods, and texture into the ones of M&B and they overwrited so I thought that was what I was supposed to do. But then I run it and when I click "new game" it locks up on me :sad: Are there some things Im not supposed to touch with Hugemod? It doesnt say how to install it in the readme, just the M7 installation :sad:
To install hugemod, I believe, you find the Mount&Blade folder in the huge mod folder. Copy it and paste it in your c:/program files or d:/program files (whichever has your Mount&blade). It will copy over and replace stuff in various folders.

Then, take the mag-7 costumes7 and put it in your textures folder.

Then, take the .txt files from the version of Mag-7 you want to play and put them in your mods/native folder.

Thats it.

If you have any other questions, please put them in either the hugemod or mag-7 thread so we dont clutter the board for everyone else. Thanks.
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