Need help on meaning of flags...

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Hi! I'm making a help file (ironic I know) for Morgh's editor. And I need help on some of the meanings of the item flags. I do have an idea of what they all mean and do, but I want to be ABSOLUTELY sure. If you disagree with any of the meanings of the flags I don't have (NEED MORE INFO) next to, Please let me know!!
(I have no problem giving credit to people for their knowledge in the help file) 

TYPE: This group decides what type of item the item will be (example: type horse, type pistol). These cannot be mixed and matched with other "type" flags. 
FORCE: such as "force_attach_armature" (NEED MORE INFO)  These cannot be mixed and matched with other "force" flags.

The following are not group flags and can be mixed and matched  (to a certain extent)
Always loot: Always loot these items after battle (if enemy troops have them)
No Parry: Cant use an item to parry an attack (the dagger uses this)
Default Ammo: (NEED MORE INFO)
Merchandise: If checked, the item will appear in shops.
Wooden attack: (NEED MORE INFO)
Wooden parry: Parries like the item is made of wood (a deflection)
Cant reload on horseback: Can be fired from horseback, but not reloaded.
Two handed: (NEED MORE INFO)
Secondary: (NEED MORE INFO)
No cov. hair/cov legs/pen. shield: (NEED MORE INFO) /(NEED MORE INFO) / Penetrates shields (if damage dealt is high enough)
Consumable: (NEED MORE INFO)
Bonus against shield: When the item impact a shield it does extra damage (breaks shields faster)
penalty with shield: If item is equipped while shield is equipped it does less damage
Cant be used on horseback: Item cannot be equipped while on a horse
Civilian/Next item as melee: (NEED MORE INFO) /used for thrown weapons, When you reach the last of that type item in your inventory, it automatically switches to the next item in the games list of items. for example: item#535 (Throwing_Spears) becomes item#536 (Throwing_Spear) when you only have one left.
Fit to head/Offset lance:sad:NEED MORE INFO)/(NEED MORE INFO)
Covers head/Couchable:sad:NEED MORE INFO)/ Can be couched like a lance
Crush through: Crushes through blocks
Remove item on use: one time use item
Unbalanced: Provides a window of opportunity to be blocked (makes sense paired with Crush Through)
Covers Beard: Disallows the beard mesh from clipping through the item

Thanks in advance!
Well Covers Hair/Head/Beard just causes the associated mesh to not render at all.

Unique means the item will only drop extremely rarely.

There is used to be list of those, I'm pretty sure some of those are no longer functioning;

Unique: Does not show up in loot of defeated parties, but player can still lose it when he is defeated. Also did not show up in traders.
Wooden attack: Afaik this gives different hit sounds.
Consumable: Only consumable items can go into Food Slot. It old days there was a seperate slot for Food items, instead of eating from inventory. It should have its entry in module.ini
Primary/Secondary: This is for AI troops, so they can have two melee weapons (ie. Spear and a club). Never saw that function properly.
Civilian: This is a tag used for clothes. So Lords switch to their civilian clothing in Castles/Cities. In theory it also works for Player too, in reality it only works whenever the game feels like it.
Fit to head: Some of the helmets/hats/caps resize to fit troops head. I don't know which ones.
Covers head: Removes head altogether with hair and bread. Afaik Full Helm is the only item using this.
Covers legs: There are a couple of armours don't use this, like Nomad Armor which is lacking pants. If you don't have this tag "def_trousers" will be added to armour.
Civilian/Next item as melee:
This is not just for throwing weapons, but for polearms that can be used as a 2 handed weapon also. It means that this current entry with this flag is the polearm entry and the entry following that one in the list is for use of the weapon as a 2 handed weapon.  It also means that if you switch from thrown to melee, then you use the stats from the following entry.

If you use this tag, you must make sure there is a second entry after it of the same weapon reflecting it's melee stats.
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