Need help on map design/adding things to a map.

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I'm trying to modify the map of the mod "1866" purely for personal reasons for my own singleplayer campaign. I'm trying to add a few new towns and villages, as well as some neutral, explorable locations. However, I have no idea what to do or what I'm doing wrong.

Using the Map Editor, Morgh's Tools, and tutorials, I can edit Scenes, troops, parties, etc. just fine. However, I cannot add parties or edit the map in any way beyond terrain. Even when I managed to add a location to the map via parties.txt editing, I could not move it around or click it. Clicking and selecting just made me grab and move random cities and towns from across the map around, giving me no way to actually select my own or get its coordinates. Adding it into the parties.txt, which had 131 entries, made the 131st entry disappear and replace with my own, though it still told me I had 132 entries.

I've searched for numerous tutorials on map making and design, but all of them either deal with editing terrain/geography or are very brief "extra tips" for people who the tutorials assume already know everything there is to know about map making. I know how to manipulate the terrain thanks to the tutorials, but none of them mention at all how to handle towns, cities, and villages.

On a side note, I'm also trying to add more people/town walkers to certain areas. Is there any way to bypass the 30-40 limit at all? It'd suck that only 10 wandering civilians can be anywhere in town at a time.

This is the module in question I'm trying to modify for myself to use.,150.0.html
I'm working on my map with the terrain in Thorgrim's and Parties in Cartographer (,183658.0.html). Working well so far.

Actually, if you don't mind, I'm still trying to figure out how to do Desert terrain in Thorgrim's Map Editor. Have you got a handle on that? If so, can you teach me? :grin:
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