Need a little starting up help

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Okay, first of all i just want to congratulate you on this mod, it really does kick. But, I'm also very confused and dont know really where to start with it. First off, what faction is closely related to nords, or is their even one. Second, I keep hearing about these silvermist rangers, scorpion knights and a bunch of rare troops, how and where would u get all these rare troops? Also, how do you upgrade your weapons and armor? And one more question lol, I'm going for a pure foot/archer army and I'm going to be fighting all my battles on foot with a throwing wep, halberd, and a one handed axe, would you suggest heavy armor or light armor? Thanks in advance for all the replies.
Freisdians (sp?) are the closest Nord faction. For foot fighting? I would go with heavy- weapons seem to do more damage in this. I will let others explain the rest to you as I am: unwilling to tell you (really, experiment and figure it out on your own) or have no clue (still yet to find my first legendary weapon to upgrade).
Heavy armor or light armor is up to personal preference.

In field battles I alternate, depending on how I want to fight. But for sieges, I almost always go as heavy as I can, since maneuverability isn't as important on the wall.
Well, the Fierdsvains are the most closely related to the Nords...and the Vanskerry raiders are like the Sea Raiders in both equipment and fighting style.

It's best to get as many recruits as you can to deter those 20+ Renegade Knights from bearing down on you.

If you're going for a pure foot/archer army I would recommend you rescue farmers and refugees for the Pendor Bowmen (they can later become Silvermists) and for defensive troops recruit Empire citizens or Sarleon recruits and upgrade them to halberdiers/pikemen.

skitarii said:
It's best to get as many recruits as you can to deter those 20+ Renegade Knights from bearing down on you.

Until you remember that it doesn't matter how large your party is, they will still chase you. I've managed to scrape together 50 top tier units, along with myself and six companions... and I still have renegade knights give chase. Which is especially cute when instead of 20+, they are whittled down to 4.
Yeah the Fierdsvain.  But I think you'll find the Nords have evolved quite a bit.  But it's them in spirit.
And those elite troops I think you'll have no trouble discovering when the time comes.
alright, thx alot guys for your posts, i just have one more question. Is this mod more meant for creating your own kingdom or just joining one? Or is it just your personal choice as well.
Daergarz said:
skitarii said:
It's best to get as many recruits as you can to deter those 20+ Renegade Knights from bearing down on you.

Until you remember that it doesn't matter how large your party is, they will still chase you. I've managed to scrape together 50 top tier units, along with myself and six companions... and I still have renegade knights give chase. Which is especially cute when instead of 20+, they are whittled down to 4.

Actually that doesn't happen to me.  Maybe you've provoked hem to hate you but renegade knights run away from me simply because I have more men.
blakstab said:
alright, thx alot guys for your posts, i just have one more question. Is this mod more meant for creating your own kingdom or just joining one? Or is it just your personal choice as well.

Personal choice.  Having your own kingdom makes the final victory conditions very hard to meet, so you might want to try it as a vassal first.
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